Guide to fishing for newbies

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Hello there here is my quick guide to fishing


has a shop that sells fishing rods and you can sell your fish then ATM the money
coinvent and not many people go there
You can get mugged here and people who are coming to the drug dealer may pull some dodgy shit if they see you
can be pretty boring


you cannot get mugged at the beach due to it being public I'd recommend fishing here if you are new
nice location and lots of sun
You can park a transit vehicle (which is cheap) and store your fish and it holds alot, you can easily fill and then sell at fredys or another npc. Rinse and repeat.
far away from any places that sell fishing rods but you can just chuck some extra rods in you're trunk you can store 2 rods per slot
no ATM's that are super close by there is one at the gas station you can sell the fish there and deposit it


you are within walking distance to storage
you can also grow drugs while fishing increasing profits but also increasing the risk
good because you can fill inventory (15) fish and then store in storage as its really close to the water.
no vendors to buy fishing rods or to sell fish
you get raided often in the late and early hours of the day
its fucking ages away from anything

If you are non VIP you can place 3 rods
if you are VIP you can place 4 rods

Fish prices
Cod 150 per
trout 200 per
salmon 250 per
if you are new i would recommend fishing at beach until you can buy a transit van then you load the transit with fish and sell it at the gas station up the road or store it until you have the amount you want {i normally sell at 1000 fish in storage} you can do runs from storage to Freddy's and deposit the money at the ATM at the side of Freddy's in subs
remember fishing can also drop materials and knife's you can sell them for a slight increase in profit
also you can use a saw horse to prop up the fishing rods but i normally just leave them on the ground also make sure the hook goes in the water
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You can park a transit vehicle (which is cheap) and store your fish and it holds alot, you can easily fill and then sell at fredys or another npc. Rinse and repeat.

good because you can fill inventory (15) fish and then store in storage as its really close to the water.


You can have another person go behind the car garage in the city with a sniper and kill anyone who tries to GP you whilst fishing.
made the changes now except the city one thats just weird
Its ideal bait for if the server is busy and the DD is at docks but its preference. Silenced m24 with scope its ez gun farm.

Nice little guide man.


You can get other VIP's to drop fishing rods for you, ideal setup I used to run was 10 rods at a time this increases the yeild and speed you make money. (no rule that says you cant) anything above 10 it seems to eat your rods fast.
i made around 80k a hour doing it with a transit
all other fishing spots apart from docks are obsolete once you realise you can just store all your items in storage and sell everything you get, if you have a car store the items u cant sell at the npc. No need to worry about getting mugged if you have fuck all on you