Guide to PERP weapons 2 electric boogaloo.

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Hello new player, and welcome to our lovely community! Here is a quick TLDR guide to our weapons!

WIP, wil be updated whenever I have the time!

What do the words mean bro?
Also known as "Tapping", 1 tap refers to depleting a players HP to 0 with a single shot to the head.

Doesn't get much simpler than a pistol, concealable, yet powerful, but a pistol is just a tool, it can only be as effective as the person holding it. The server offers a large array of handguns, from 100 year old semi automatics, powerful revolvers, and even fully automatic machine pistols, you have plenty of variety to choose from. You must keep 1 thing in mind however, as a pistol can be the one thing that saves your life in multiple scenarios, you must find a pistol you can depend upon to save your characters life. Fortunately, I've made a nice list to help you choose...
Ammo: 7 rounds of pistol ammo per mag
Damage: 2 shots to the head to kill, about a whole mag to the body
Best use: Better for mugging and threats than actually using in combat, when suppressed, is near silent, so its super sneaki beeki
Additional info: Not the best handgun but it works!

Ammo: 5 rounds of pistol ammo
Damage: Significant for its price and crafting level, 3 to the torso and 1 to the head
Best use: Mugging and assassination, also works to an extent in close range combat but is limited to 5 rounds.
Additional info: Very small and cheap. Is loud however and can draw in attention from a distance.
Ammo: 8 rounds of pistol ammo
Damage: Significant damage to unarmoured players, killing in 4-5 shots. 1 to the head.
Best use: Cheap sidearm in shootouts, Close range combat.
Additional info: 1 tap machine, fairly quiet and hard to distinguish the location of any audible distant shot. Cyka Blyat.
Ammo: 8 rounds of pistol ammo.
Damage: significantly high damage for a low tier pistol at 3-4 shots to the torso being fatal, can one tap.
Best use: General pistol combat, defending wunderbar Deutschland.
Additional info: Weisser Macht, deutschland uber alles! Jokes aside, this gun is fucking terrible, probably the worst gun on the server.
Ammo: 6 rounds of pistol ammo.
Damage: For such a cheap pistol, its power is astonishing, 2-3 shots to the torso.
Best use: Medium range combat, assassination.
Additional info: Very accurate, very loud.
Ammo: 6 rounds of pistol ammo.
Damage: Very similar to the Colt Python, 2-3 to torso.
Best use: Medium range and general combat.
Additional info:
A Lovely alternative to the Colt Python with worse sights but a fucking awesome onyx chrome finish.
Ammo: 15 rounds of pistol ammo.
Damage: 3-4 shots to the torso, 1 to the head.
Best use: General combat at any range.
Additional info:
This is basically, more or less, the base handgun of the server, used by officers and criminals alike.
Ammo: 17 rounds of pistol ammo.
Damage: 3-4 torso shots, 1 to head.
Best use: Close to medium range combat, spray and pray.
Additional info:
Arguably the best choice in firearm for new players.
Ammo: 18 rounds of pistol ammo.
Damage: The damage of this pistol is the same as the makarov, making it one of the weaker handguns in terms of individual damage. It's ability to shoot fully automatically, however, gives it a high DPS (Damage Per Second). I've estimated that it can deliver about 190 damage a second on automatic given that all the shots hit the target.
Best use: CQB for full auto, its accuracy in semi auto allows it to be good at longer ranges too.
Additional info:
Essentially more comparable to sub machine guns like the Mac 11 and UZI than it is to other weapons in the pistol category.
Ammo: 6 rounds of .44 Magnum (Pistol ammo)
Damage: 2-3 shots to the torso on civs, 1 to the head for everyone.
Best use: Self defence, 1 tapping, asking yourself "Do I feel lucky?"
Additional info:
You gotta ask yourself "Do I feel lucky?" Well, do ya, punk? This weapon is based off the Smith and Wesson Model 29 "Dirty Harry custom", which is a nice change as other servers often use the "Satan" variant of this gun.
Ammo: 5 rounds of .500 SW (standard pistol ammo)
Damage: 2 shots to the torso or 1 to the head, completely obliterates anything it can fire more than 2 rounds at
Best use: Close to medium range combat, 1 tapping, and proving a fucking point.
Additional info: Similar in crafting price to shotguns, but worth every penny, slow reload time and a 5 round capacity however so make your shots count. Probably stops a car in 5 shots but I don't remember.
Ammo: 12 rounds of 10x22mm (pistol ammo)
Damage: 10x22mm damage usually is around 4 body shots or 1 headshot, Armour usually adds about 1-3 more shots needed to kill depending on what armour it is.
Best use: Typical self defence / police service handgun.
Additional info:
Made famous by the more recent instalments to the 007 series, This handgun is very popular in real life amongst PMC Groups, Private security companies and Police officers (although many departments worldwide are switching to glocks). The weapon is the slowest firing 10x22 handgun on the server which should be noted.
Ammo: 13 rounds of 10x22mm (pistol ammo)
Damage: 10x22mm damage usually is around 4 body shots or 1 headshot, Armour usually adds about 1-3 more shots needed to kill depending on what armour it is.
Best use: Typical police service handgun, self defence, combat.
Additional info:
My personal favourite 10x22mm pistol on the server. Less noticeable recoil than the P99 but still more than the USP40 with better sights.
Ammo: 13 rounds of 10x22mm (pistol ammo)
Damage: 10x22mm damage usually is around 4 body shots or 1 headshot, Armour usually adds about 1-3 more shots needed to kill depending on what armour it is.
Best use: Combat scenarios at close to medium range.
Additional info:
The USP 40 has manageable recoil and decent accuracy, as well as a fairly nonrestrictive rate of fire. Sights are a bit tricky to use at first however.
Ammo: 10 rounds of .45 (pistol ammo)
Damage: One of the highest damage of all the handguns.
Best use: General combat handgun
Additional info:
The HK45CT is basically an M1911 with better sights, less recoil and 3 more rounds in the magazine. One of the cheapest, and in my opinion, the best handgun on the server.
Ammo: 7 rounds of .45 ammo (pistol ammo)
Damage: Typically kills in 3 body shots, 4 against police armour and 5 against TFU armour.
Best use: General combat handgun if you don't mind the low magazine capacity.
Additional info:
A Classic piece of Americana, Used in both world wars, Variants of this handgun are still in military and police service today despite the design dating back over 100 years.
Ammo: 6 rounds of .44 magnum (pistol ammo)
Damage: Similar to the M1911 but I believe it might do more to armour than .45 does.
Best use: General combat revolver if you don't mind the long reload time.
Additional info:
An absolute beast of a weapon, this revolver roars with every shot fired.
Ammo: 6 rounds of .44 magnum (pistol ammo)
Damage: Typical .45 damage
Best use: Delivering accurate, powerful shots at longer ranges.
Additional info:
A very big gun for very big people, the Colt anaconda is for the people who think the Python isn't enough. The sights are a bit "pin holey" and small but they work for long range shooting and don't get in the way for close range.
Ammo: 19 rounds of 9x19mm (pistol ammo)
Damage: Typical 9mm damage, high DPS due to full auto rate of fire
Best use: An absolute Beast at CQB, also works well as a sidearm for snipers.
Additional info:
This pistol is better compared to sub machine guns such as the MP9 when used in full auto. High fire rate balanced out with extreme muzzle climb, you might have to pull down on your mouse a bit with this one.
Ammo: 7 rounds of .50AE (Pistol ammo)
Damage: One of the highest Damage per shot of all handguns.
Best use: Delivering powerful shots in close range combat scenarios.
Additional info:
The most powerful semi automatic magazine fed handgun on the server. Slow shooter but its raw power is a force to be reckoned with. Best used with a pistol reflex sight and a Suppressor in my opinion.
Just like any and every other roleplay game and FPS on earth, the shotgun is a formidable force, offering both high damage and a sizeable spread. Are you terrible at aiming like I am? Are you looking to paint the walls red? Then these are the guns for you!

Ammo: 6 rounds of shotgun ammo.
Damage: a single shot to the upper torso is highly likely to bring someone down in a single hit due to the spread hitting the head and torso. 2 shots to the body is usually all it takes.
Best use: Close range combat, raiding, defending. Especially effective when deployed at bazaar shootouts.
Additional info:

Also it can be sawed off to become concealable at the expense of almost twice as much recoil and spread.
Ammo: 9 rounds of shotgun ammo.
Its a fucking shotgun, take a guess. Exceptional damage up close range, with noticeable spread increase beyond about 10 meters.
Best use: Defending and Raiding.
Additional info:
Features the highest capacity of any shotgun on the server.

Ammo: 8 rounds of buckshot
If whatever you're shooting with it doesn't die in 2 shots then you must be doing something wrong.
Best use: Any sort of close range combat, be it raiding, defending, Mass RDMing Or freeing friends from police custody.
Additional info: Worked great against TFU in the days of head armour. TFU. (thanks @Creepis)
Ammo: 2 rounds of shotgun ammo.
Its a shotgun so it really fucks up peoples shit if they get hit with it at close range.
Best use: Getting those kids the FUCK off your lawn. Defending, also somewhat holds up when raiding too.
Additional info: Cheapest primary weapon on the server at 5700 a unit crafting price. Useless if taking on police alone.
Can also apply makeup in 4/5ths of a second.
Can also be crafted into a concealable sawed off "Coach gun" style shotgun for anyone looking for a sneaky yet powerful strap.

Ammo: 8 rounds of shotgun ammo.
Damage: Destroys anything and anyone in front of you in at most 3 clicks or your money back!
Best use: Same as Benelli, except this shotgun is better for offence than defence.
Additional info: Another Italian weapon that offers insane damage for under 10k. Low recoil combined with High damage and high damage per second.
Sub Machine Guns:
Sub machine guns are the bridge between the Trusty pistol and the unstoppable assault rifle. Here on PERPheads, the city of paralake has a fine array of Machine pistols to choose from in a variety of calibres to choose from.
Ammo: 20 rounds of pistol ammo.
Damage: Similar to that of the glock 17, More on the lower side.
Best use: CQB, Sneak attacks.
Additional info:
It is fully concealable and cannot be seen on your back like other larger guns can. It's capabilities are suppressed by only having a 20 round magazine however.
Ammo: 20 rounds of pistol ammo.
Damage: Pretty much run of the mill, 4 bodyshots to kill, does incredible damage to armoured foes.
Best use: Taking on Police and Secret Service Personnel due to its high armour damage. CQB and general combat.
Additional info: Unfortunately rare to find on sale at bazaar, best bet of getting one if you cant craft one is to make an inquiry with someone who can make them.
Ammo: 30 rounds of pistol ammo. (10x25mm)
Damage: Does the same damage as a Glock 20. Kills people in 4 body shots or 1 headshot. 3 headshots or 5 bodyshots for TFU.
Best use: CQB, defending, bazaar shootouts.
Additional info: Basically a Full auto glock 20, its fucking great. Bridges the gap between the high fire rate and low recoil of the MP5A4 and the sheer stopping power of the UMP.
Ammo: 25 rounds of pistol ammo (.45ACP)
Damage: Very high DPS, uses .45ACP which has the 3rd highest damage of all pistol calibers, making it the strongest SMG.
Best use: CQB, defending, Hell, you could rob the bank with this thing if you have a comp and marksmanship for SMGS levelled above 40.
Additional info: Low recoil and high damage, especially when coupled with a comp, makes this gun incredibly powerful. Avoid using eotech micro holo sights on this gun as it's currently bugged and the iron sights will obstruct the Reticle heavily.
Ammo: 32 rounds of 9x19mm. (pistol ammo)
Damage: Typical 9mm damage.
Best use: CQB, defending, raiding, Quick assaults, drivebys.
Additional info: Lowest recoil of all SMGS, fully concealable and accepts rifle red dot sights, this is a crazy gun, the only downside being its Terrible iron sights.
Ammo: 20 rounds of 9x19mm (Pistol ammo)
Damage: Typical 9mm damage.
Best use: Raiding, defending, quick assaults, drive-bys, CQB.
Additional info: Second lowest recoil of all SMG's, fully concealable and has a 3 way fire selector allowing semi auto, burst, and full auto. This PDW is probably the most common SMG used by criminals for the many benefits it offers.
Ammo: 32 rounds of 9x17mm (pistol ammo)
Damage: Lowest damage of all SMG's, compensated with an incredibly high DPS thanks to its 2 second magdump rate of fire.
Best use: Drive-bys, CQB, Quick assaults, Assassinations.
Additional info: Stupidly high recoil even with a compensator. VERY Accurate and effective when used in short bursts however. Just don't hold the trigger down too long or you'll be shooting jesus out of heaven.

Assault Rifles:
If you need something to be REALLY dead and / or want to absolutely, positively, Definitely need to kill every motherfucker you see, then these are the guns for you! The server offers a continental selection of assault rifles for a multicultural, diverse killing field, from the good ol' USA's M4A1 and M16A4 to the "Terrorist gun" that is the AK 47!
Ammo: 30 rounds of rifle ammo fed from a STANAG Mag.
Damage: 4 body shots or 1 to the head.
Best use: Defending, Raiding, combat, suppressing fire.
Additional info:
Out of all the depictions of the M4 in any game I've ever played, the M4 on this server is the most terrifying with its high rate of fire and loud, aggressive roar when its fired.

Ammo: 30 rounds of rifle ammo fed from a STANAG Mag. (5.56)
Damage: Same as the M4A1 essentially.
Best use: medium to long range combat, any scenario where you need to prioritize accuracy and conserve ammo.
Additional info: Very similar to the M4 except it is larger and features a burst fire mode instead of an automatic firemode.
Ammo: 30 rounds of rifle ammo fed from a banana mag. (7.62x39mm)
Damage: 3 shots to the torso or 1 to the head, police armour adds another 3 to the torso.
Best use: Raiding.
Additional info: As of the day this description is being written, it currently has less recoil and higher damage than an M4A1. The DPS is lower than the M4A1 however due to its lower rate of fire. Also takes almost any stock that goes on the M4 and other AK rifles.
Ammo: 30 rounds of 5.56 ammo. (Rifle ammo)
Damage: Typical assault rifle damage.
Best use: Raiding, defending, combat at any range.
Additional info: Hailed as the best 5.56 rifle on the server. This machine gives you the reliability of the AK with the sheer peppering power of the M4.
Ammo: 25 or 30 rounds of 5.56 (rifle ammo)
Damage: Typical 5.56 damage.
Best use: CQB to medium range
Additional info:
Personally I consider this to be the best bullpup rifle on the server. Recoil is still higher than the conventional 5.56's however.
Ammo: 25 or 30 rounds of 5.56 (Rifle ammo)
Damage: Typical 5.56
Best use:
Any and all forms of combat
Additional info: Used to be absolute shit, but now it’s just your bog-standard assault rifle. Nothing special about it, does
Ammo: 30 rounds of 7.62x39mm (rifle ammo)
Damage: Same as the AK47, but lower rate of fire leads to less DPS
Best use: Combat at all ranges
Additional info:
Has less recoil than you think it does. Features a weird shooting animation that looks like your trying to stop a fish flopping out of your hands but don't let that fool you, its recoil really doesn't differ much from an AK.
Ammo: 30 rounds of 5.45x39mm ammunition (Rifle ammo)
Damage: Lowest damage of all assault rifles but a high rate of fire and low recoil gives it high DPS.
Best use: CQB environments where you would typically prefer a sub machine gun but need more penetration.
Additional info:
Probably more comparable to sub machine guns such as the MP5A4 than its rifle counterparts, This rifles spread paired with rate of fire and low recoil makes it highly effective for spraying. Best used with an AK101 stock and a suppressor, or a compensator if you hate recoil that much.
Pro tip: Taking the stock off of it will make it nearly invisible if you drive with it on your back.
Ammo: 25 rounds of rifle ammo or 30 rounds fed from both STANAG mags .
Damage: Typical 5.56 damage with insane high DPS.
Best use: Close range combat, medium range combat when used in burst fire mode.
Additional info:
Horrendous ironsights so you'll want to put either a rifle dot sight or an eotech compact holo on it so its usable. Used to be bad but after the tickrate update it became a literal mincer.

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Part 2 as its too big to be 1 post.
Ammo: 30 rounds of 5.56 (Rifle ammo)
Damage: Typical 5.56 damage
Best use: The fine line between the SCAR L's low recoil and the M4's high fire rate, this rifle works wonders in any CQB environment, it's for when you need a sub machine gun with the power and penetration of a rifle.
Additional info: Sounds very crunchy and despite having more recoil than the M4 and less accuracy than the SCAR-L, the rifle bridges the gap between the 2 5.56 beasts we know and love today, being more based on close range combat than the 2.
Ammo: 30 rounds of 5.56 (standard rifle ammo)
Damage: Typical 5.56 damage
Best use: Cheap throwaway rifle for raiding and defending, generally good for combat at standard ranges. Usable in CQB At a push.
Additional info: Basically an M16 but better. No full auto, only bursts, its one of the cheapest rifles on the server.
Pro tip: Best attachments for this gun is the Rifle Red dot sight and a compensator or suppressor.
Ammo: 30 rounds of 5.56 ammo (Rifle ammo)
Damage: Typical 5.56
Best use: Defending, Combat at all ranges.
Additional info: Slowest fire rate of all the 5.56 rifles on the server, with the bonus of being the most controllable.

Battle Rifles:
Similar to assault rifles, These fine machines of death are the bridge between sniper rifles and assault rifles, Just more expensive, powerful, and double as highly effective DMR's/Snipers.
Ammo: 20 round detachable magazine, takes sniper ammo.
Damage: Incredible,
if you click on someone with this and they don't die then somethings wrong.
Best use: Defending, Ranged combat, Flexing.
Additional info: This is the most powerful automatic rifle on the server, but its also the most expensive to manage firearm as well. The gun itself will usually set you back 20k and filling a single magazine costs 6200 as it takes sniper ammo. Take into account that you'll be carrying numerous magazines when using this and you're looking at around $50000 in equipment. Yikes, better watch your corners!
Ammo: 10 rounds of sniper ammo from a detachable magazine.
At close range it basically instakills in a 1 shot. 2-3 shots to the body or 1 shot to the head.
Best use: Medium to long range combat, assassinations, sniping, Defending.
Additional info: World famous SWAT DMR that the PLPD never got, The rifle features incredibly high damage, semi automatic rate of fire, and very low recoil.
Ammo: 20 rounds of sniper ammo.
Damage: At really close range it basically instakills. 2-3 to the body, 1 to the head.
Best use:
Sniping, medium to long range combat, defending.
Additional info: Very good gun, recoils low and it can take both sniper scopes and assault rifle electronic sights. Recoil is significantly higher than the SR25 but has double the capacity. Accuracy is also noticeably worse than the SR25.
Sniper rifles:
Need to kill someone from the comfort of your apartment? Do you prefer to sit back and handle your business away from the splash zone? Don't want blood all over your fresh new suit? Sit back, hold your breath, take aim and dome the plonker(s) with a rifle of your choice firing a calibre from 7x62x51mm all the way to .50 BMG (which I'm sure stands for "Big Man's Gun")
Ammo: 5 rounds of sniper ammo fed from an internal magazine.
Damage: 2 shots to the torso, 1 to the head. 3 body shots if shooting at police.
Best use: Strictly sniping only. Incredibly ineffective in direct combat scenarios.
Additional info: Used by the Tactical FIrearms Unit of the PLPD with a Mark 2 scope and a suppressor.
Ammo: 5 rounds of sniper ammo from a detachable magazine.
Damage: 1 shot to the head, and 1-2 to the torso. (Very inconsistent however)
Best use:
Strictly sniping only.
Additional info: From personal experience, a vast damage inconsistency has been experienced by me when shot with one, on occasions I've not died after being head shotted with this as cop.

Ammo: 5 rounds of sniper ammo
Damage: Destroys everything it touches. Kills even completely armoured foes if the round so much as scrapes there shoulder.
Best use:
Sniping, assassination, and for those scenarios where it is important that whoever you shoot definitely dies.
Additional info: Makes cops scramble and run in circles like ants. You can know someones been shot by one if you are greeted with a crash of thunder and a red cloud.
Ammo: 5 rounds of sniper ammo.
Damage: Same as the M82. If you need a rifle that can shoot the flea off a dogs back at 1000 yards but also want to blow said dog in half in the process then this is the gun for you.
Best use: Sniping, Defending, Combat at any range, Disabling cars, killing foes who are behind cover.
Additional info: This gun and the M82 can probably shoot through an apartment complex. They are also the only guns that can shoot through vehicles.

Explosives and incendiaries:
Have a blast with the servers selection of explosives and incendiaries! From stun grenades to Frag grenades and even remotely detonated C4, you can happily blow up anything you dont like!
Crafting price: 12900
A bomb that can be placed inside a vehicle, which detonates about 3 seconds after the car engine is turned on, instantly killing the occupants of the vehicle in a fiery explosion.
Crafting price: 7250
A timed explosive that will make an electronic tick / beep when dropped, and will explode around 15 seconds after being dropped. The explosion will kill players, unfreeze and launch props as well as blow doors off there hinges.
Crafting price: 8175
A remotely detonated bomb that requires you to call a 5 digit number sent to you via text when the bomb is deployed. Once you call the number, The bomb will explode in 3 seconds after playing the ringtone of the phone the bomb is attached to. The explosion will unfreeze and launch props, kill players and destroy doors.

Crafting price: 1810
A throwable incendiary that explodes into a fire when it impacts with the ground or another player. Skilled users can roll and bounce them.

Crafting price: 1420
A throw-able stun grenade that blinds anyone looking in its direction and deafens everyone in the vicinity of its blast.
Crafting price: 2860
A handheld explosive that does immense damage to players and vehicles. Has a kill radius of about 3 meters and can be cooked for precision. Useful for stopping the TFU armoured van, Forcing people out of cover and clearing a room during a raid. Just don't hold it for too long ;)

Crafting price: 3360
A grenade with a slightly larger blast radius than an M67. It's very useful though, but it doesnt roll as far as an M67 due to its shape.
Melee weapons:
For up close and personal acts of violence, melee weapons might be overlooked but they can still make a difference in a life or death situation, incredibly effective when deployed both in numbers and in close range scenarios where movement is limited, Melee weapons make a formidable friend or foe.

Crafting price: 500
A weapon that's damage depends on your Strength stat, the baseball bat generally is a very effective weapon. Can also stun people if you hit them in the head and cripple them if you hit there legs.
Crafting price: 650
Probably the weakest melee weapon, not meaning its the worst, the combat knife is good for sneak attacks and ending a fist fight.
Crafting price: 700
Probably the best melee weapon, this weapon also has an incredibly high attack speed, making it capable of killing even armoured foes in a second and a half of vicious left and right clicking
Crafting price: 1100
A traditional Japanese weapon, it being a naturally sharp sword, It should have the highest damage of all the melee weapons, but a slightly slower attack speed of the machete.

Improvised weapons:
Items that aren't equip able SWEP's that function as incendiaries, explosives, and / or weapons under certain circumstances. These include:
-Cars: can be used to run people over. Can also be lit on fire to make a bomb that damages players.
- Gas cans: Can be set on fire to create a deadly makeshift bomb that makes more fire when explodes
- Propane tanks: Can be lit on fire with molotovs in the same way that gas cans can, exploding into a fiery explosion. This can be done with empty propane tanks at the same effectiveness as a full one so don't waste your propane!
- Chemical tables: Make a fiery explosion and release a cloud of noxious, toxic gas when blown up with either a bomb or a molotov. Can also be triggered by leaving meth to cook and running.

Uncraftable weapon's are weapons that cannot be crafted and can only be obtained at a senior admin+'s discretion. This includes "Beta" items that are still being tested or added to experiment with, Rare "Seasonal" items, and police equipment such as the Taser and nightstick.
M26C Taser:
An electronic stun gun that fires 2 prongs onto a suspect and delivers an incapacitating and eventually lethal electric shock. Only available to Police officers either whitelisted for taser use, senior officers, and Senior admins and above.
Training grenade:
A Blue hand grenade that explodes with a "Puff" sound and releases a sizable cloud of smoke, does no damage however. Only Accessible by SA+
Candy Cane:
A very rare event item given away as a reward to certain community members who partook in events during the Christmas holidays. Basically a baseball bat made to look like a glossy White and red candy cane.
Halloween broom:
A reskinned baseball bat that plays phrases from this conversation from Harry Potter and the Philosophers stone.

- The last PD Update removed TFU head armour, so any guns specifying that they "1 Tap TFU" Probably still do as all guns (except the PPK) Should do it.
- Please keep in mind quite alot of this was written in 2018 and since then minor changes to the firearms and how they interact with police armour have been tweaked.
- 1K in game money reward for pointing out any mistakes in this post to me via forum PM's or steam​
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G3A3 Camping on queue server is something I feel has been unfairly taken from me in my life :(
Unfortunately on the console versions of battlefield 3 due to aim assist being a thing the only weapons worth using as assault were ones with high rates of fire :(