Gustavo Ortega

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Parts Unknown
Your Steam/In-game Name: Slayerduck/Joe Baggers
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Robbin' The Hood / Gustavo Ortega
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:115926207
Why Should This Player Be Punished: Was trying to shoot medics because a 'friend asked him' even though he wasn't involved in the bank robbery. During the sit he denied responsibility and said he didn't shoot. He was then asked to provide a demo within 7 days from @Chris but since this day never provided it. This happened on 14/15-09

(during the shootout i accidentally shot a person that wasn't suppose to be shot cuz trigger happy and scared since its a 4v1 with no backup, we worked it out)

Evidence (Demo Required): youtube
Tick: N/A
The bank thing:

The sit:
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There is clear evidence here of him breaking 3.4. He was under direct gunpoint and ignored clear instructions, "putting his life at risk". He should have know better, especially after shooting dead one of his friends it was clear from then on that you were serious.

The shooting of the second person could be somewhat justified, it's obvious it was not intentional and I'm sure they saw it that way too.

I hate Medics who seem to think they're SWAT and walk in front of everyone.
Demo's don't auto delete themselves at all, they stay there forever until you manually delete them. You were asked to provide for a demo as you were suspected (almost clearly) lying during the sit. And now the demo magically disappeared?
My laptop set up is absolute shit running Gmod alone (5- 10fps on PERP) atm. Plus I have a lot of like Nortan and malaware cleaner, cc cleaner, ect. I don't let anything save as it slows down my shitty laptop and is deleted immediatly this is not a permanent computer it will be gone after I finish building my PC. So unless you know my situation I would much rather you not accuse me of being a liar. And I spoke to Chris about my situation already on Teamspeak regarding my demo , and he said it was fine before you decided to make an AR after the sit and he told me the situation was over? I even told him I would take the punishment whatever it is, considering I couldn't provide a demo. So do yourself a favor and don't just accuse people of lying just because there not in the same situation as you :)

"What? Where you shooting?"
"Yeah, one of my friends was robbing the bank and he asked me to shoot one of the medics for him so, I took the medic down ** Awkward Laugh **

You were clearly lying to Chris once you were brought into the sit. Demo disappeared? I think not, I doubt you even took 10 seconds to look through the files.

EDIT: Aww, they killed me.... Back when you actually gave a fuck... xDDD
So do yourself a favor and don't just accuse people of lying just because there not in the same situation as you :)

So you're actually serious about defending the situation even after the guy shooting the sniper looks exactly like you, you then proceeded to laugh about it in your apartment and said you shot medics then during the sit are asked for the demo that you never provided and now that you apparently can't get it anymore it should just blow over like nothing happened? I think this concludes all the input that's needed from me. Good luck defending your story.
Chris said the situation was over? and a plus note read up there it was all IC me bragging bullshit to my IC friends considering it was you and the medic that I "apparently shot" even though he was at the bank with you and on the staircase. To add even more Chris checked the kill logs in the sit and there was nothing so :) @Slayerduck
I get you paniced and all but I still agree with gustavo about you being punished for the two rdm''s especially the last one seems mingy...
Also imo you seem to be breaking 2.5 when arriving to regal apartments in your car, instead of using the distance to break you straight on smash your car into the sidewalk or whatever it's called, on the video you gave you clearly had lots of time to break and stop your vehicle from being damaged it could also be a break of 2.1 but I'm not sure.
(Written from phone so I'd grammar is shit I apologise)
I get you paniced and all but I still agree with gustavo about you being punished for the two rdm''s especially the last one seems mingy...
Also imo you seem to be breaking 2.5 when arriving to regal apartments in your car, instead of using the distance to break you straight on smash your car into the sidewalk or whatever it's called, on the video you gave you clearly had lots of time to break and stop your vehicle from being damaged it could also be a break of 2.1 but I'm not sure.
(Written from phone so I'd grammar is shit I apologise)

I thought we been over this, i understand that your friend must have asked you to post this in an attempt to divert this AR but feel free to take my video and try an AR on your own. The fact remains that he cornered himself so much that its now pure evidence against stories and nonsense. The sweatervest was pointing a gun at me (and even fired a shot) and i shot you out of my panicking. I did apologize and explained the situation to you when you made a sit on me.

I kindly ask you to not divert my AR and if you feel that's its needed to make your own.
I thought we been over this, i understand that your friend must have asked you to post this in an attempt to divert this AR but feel free to take my video and try an AR on your own. The fact remains that he cornered himself so much that its now pure evidence against stories and nonsense. The sweatervest was pointing a gun at me (and even fired a shot) and i shot you out of my panicking. I did apologize and explained the situation to you when you made a sit on me.

I kindly ask you to not divert my AR and if you feel that's its needed to make your own.
Can't comment on phone

I'm not trying to divert this AR and he's not asked me to do anything.

Just because I'm pointing out your mistakes doesn't mean I'm diverting it nor am i trying to defend Robin I can only agree that he broke 3.4 by running from that gunpoint
he cornered himself so much that its now pure evidence against stories and nonsense.
Pure evidence of what you clearly breaking rules in your own video? (killing unarmed men and then 2.5 with your car) Your medic was not shot and you werent either clearly shown in the video as he was on the staircase with you??? Chris checked the logs there were no kills? So I don't know where I cornered myself? I didn't ask anyone to post also, you killed him without reason aswell you don't just panic in real life and take an innocent mans life? Ask Chris himself we talked on teamspeak about this situation, it was apparently dealt with as I proved my point already and then you make an AR almost two weeks later :)

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