Gymbros, What is your meal plan for getting the sufficient protein?

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Personally I put peanut butter and oats and milk in a cup, microwave it a bit then that's breakfast. I drink coffee in the morning 90 minutes after waking up.

Then I just eat whatever school lunch got, sometimes chicken strips.

before going to the gym I stop by a deli to grab me a coffee for pre-workout.

Then I go home and air fry 20 oz chicken breast with rice:)
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Eat normal diet with focus on getting extra protein then have two scoops of protein powder.

Ridiculously easy to eat enough protein if you’re bulking, if you’re cutting then not so much.
Eat normal diet with focus on getting extra protein then have two scoops of protein powder.

Ridiculously easy to eat enough protein if you’re bulking, if you’re cutting then not so much.
yeah but it's hard to clean bulk and that's what im shooting for. I try to stay as clean as possible and I lack the money atm to afford consistent Protein Powder tubs so I just get my protein from cheap chicken breast at my local target which literally gives me like 150 grams of protein just from dinner and best part.. it isn't dry!
Eat 500g of low fat quark + oatmeal, add some nuts to it to get even more protein, if you don't like the taste add some flavour drops.
I usually add milk and let it sit over night so it gets a nice texture.
yeah but it's hard to clean bulk and that's what im shooting for. I try to stay as clean as possible and I lack the money atm to afford consistent Protein Powder tubs so I just get my protein from cheap chicken breast at my local target which literally gives me like 150 grams of protein just from dinner and best part.. it isn't dry!
Thats way enough protein for you, don't listen to the guys saying you need atleast 180g+ of protein to gain muscle, its just wrong. 1,6g protein/1kg bodyweight.
If you are not careful and "overdose" protein, it can ruin your kidneys.
yeah but it's hard to clean bulk and that's what im shooting for. I try to stay as clean as possible and I lack the money atm to afford consistent Protein Powder tubs so I just get my protein from cheap chicken breast at my local target which literally gives me like 150 grams of protein just from dinner and best part.. it isn't dry!

You should not be eating chicken breast if you’re bulking. Eat chicken thighs/drum sticks. Peanut butter, nuts or whole milk are also good sources of clean calories. 4 soft boiled eggs are 312 calories and 52 grams of protein.
You should not be eating chicken breast if you’re bulking. Eat chicken thighs/drum sticks. Peanut butter, nuts or whole milk are also good sources of clean calories. 4 soft boiled eggs are 312 calories and 52 grams of protein.
it's actually the cheapest option for me it seems like because i can get 3$ per 1.5 pound at my local target but i'll look into some drumsticks and thighs! also that soft boiled egg idea is great. I think the problem is I was told though eggs only have 6-8 grams of protein so 4 would be 28 instead of 52?
Trt for breakfast. No in all seriousness, I trained somewhat seriously before I became an adult. Stopped around 17 years old. Was ripped, benched 100kg, 40kg inc dumbpress for sets, deadlift 180, squat like 120 for sets (never tried pr on squat, why? Idk).

I legit never bothered looking at a diet. Or eating more for getting protein. Sometimes at the gym a proteinshake thats all. I highly suggest trying creatine, its great. Try training for a fair while first before you start including a diet. Startergains + creatine will be mental. Watch a lot of yt vids to perfect your form. Form over weight and diet anyday.

Hope this helped you. If you want more advice message me in discord since I rarely look on here anymore.

Ps. Tbh my gymtime was a cheatcode, trained 2x in a week, didnt train for a month. Got back and had prs. Started training again few weeks back but the grind back to old standards is too boring for me
I also eat porridge oats with peanut butter in the morning. I just try to eat 3 meals a day and I always have chicken for dinner, add a shake on top. I am looking pretty lean at the moment but I blame the holidays for my laziness
holidays for my laziness
brother something I really got inspired by is how someone mentioned on new years how people take breaks and just relax but they work out still. If we look at that objectively speaking that's literally the most free chance at getting ahead of your competition. Those are the times MOST people are lazy while the ones who REALLY are savage and want to win and achieve their goal as a priority amongst their top priorities they couldn't care less about if it's a holiday or not.
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