Handcuffing should take time.

  • Thread starter Thread starter ThomasGeorge
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Short explanation (in notes):
- Handcuffing someone should take 5 seconds to do so instead of instantly cuffed.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
Our current handcuffing is extremely unrealistic. When you're in the middle of cuffing someone, the .357 magnum reloading sound would seem to be a suitable cuffing sound. It should take only 5 seconds in-order to do this, and the person you are going to arrest should stop moving too. When being cuffed, a /me should be displayed saying "Officer <last> places his handcuffs onto the suspects wrists" etc.
I Totally do +Support this idea. Maybe add the animation where you bobby pin/C2 a door.
So how would this whole thing work? Would it be like with placing C2 on the door, as in while youre placing the charge on the door youre unable to move or cancel it? Would both parties be frozen when the action is taking place? If so i could see the problem where you were cuffing a person, and their friend or someone else would try and stop you, but due to the action, you would be unable to defend yourself in any way.
I +support this. Even though i normally play as cop, when I'm running and im suddenly cuffed it makes me a bit agitated.
I would generally + support this idea but the thing is imagine there a guy running away from you , when cuffing needs 5secs you couldnt really stop him without using excessiveforce. So we would need another tool that gives the possibility to wrestle suspects down when they are running as long as this tool does not exist Im going to be optimistic on this.

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I support this, but I think some extra roleplay should be considered on both parts. If the suspect tires to run away while being cuffed, he is breaking 3.4, because irl the police would have you at gunpoint when cuffing you. That is, if you're a dangerous suspect, which in Paralake is highly possible. I would also like it if the user being cuffed would have to turn around in order to become cuffed, it simply is more realistic.

was gonna write an example of the improved roleplay this would bring, but I'm not as good at writing as Chrissy
Just decrease the time on cuffing to like 2 second and i guess it would be better, OR report the cop for 2.1 if he runs after u with cuff and cuffs u while you are running.
+ Support!!

Let the suspect be able to move, add this to the automatic /me: /me grabs the person by his arms and places handcuffs on his wrists.

If he runs away he is breaking rules :)

Good things:
- Adds realism
- Less ninja cuff ( I frkn hate ninjas)

Bad things:
- Probably more rulebreakers.
Just a short question, what is the difference? When the player you are cuffing can't move, you might as well just be able to instacuff him.
I honestly wouldn't mind this being added, it adds a bit of realism, rather than instantly cuffing a person. And there'd really be no difference with ninja-cuffing, rather than an added 5 second timer where both users stand still. The officer doing it will be punished anyway, with or without 5 seconds of both standing still.
This suggestion really just improves the realism behind cuffing, which is something I don't mind having. Support from me

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