Happy Birthday Lewis


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Leeds, England.

Happy Birthday Lewis

So as most of you know, today is Lewis' birthday and I really want everyone to wish him a happy birthday. Upon joining the server I really never got to know Lewis but in the last year or so I've really noticed what a great, geniune guy he is. Lewis is quite a long serving staff member and is a prime example of what a moderator should be on the server.

Happy Birthday Lad.
I always knew him as a Brummy cunt, he still is it would seem. :kappa:
I have known you for such a long time ever since we went CDMing on Aaron's server that was great. Anyway happy birthday I will scrounge up something I have on PERP, but #PeasentForLife
Some of the shit I say has me like:

Anyway thanks a lot mate, seriously, thank you.​
Me and Lewis have had some complications between us... Maybe fights and all but still, we always got together.. not. xD

Happy Birthday :lewis:

Me and Lewis are great friends and I feel that PERP brought us together, I used to hate Lewis since he never let me on his Minecraft world, Happy birthday mate!

:mraaron: <3 :mrlewis:

Come on PERP to get your birthday stuff later.

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Why would I say happy birthday to the person that sent my barricades flying?

Joking, of course, happy birthday Lewis!