Haydens ban appeal

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Reaction score
United Kingdom
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: Madda
How long were you banned for: Permanent

Your Steam Name: xi

Why were you banned/blacklisted: You have been banned for the following reason: Does not even deserve to come back - Extended by Madda.
Why should this appeal be considered: Alright so its been about 3 months since I was permanently banned (still don't know why) and im again making a apeal hoping you can her me out and give me another chance.

I know during the end of my time on the forums I was extremely toxic most of the time but I was only trying to defend myself (even though it was a retarded way of doing so). Maybe it sounds like a dumb excuse, which i also think it is, but my point is that I wasn't being toxic for no reason and it really would not have been my intentions. Don't misunderstand me though, im fully aware that what I said was wrong and disrecpectful and I could ofcourse have dealt with it in another way rather than cussing and flamming someone out. I was ignorant and made mistakes. Im fully aware that what I did was wrong and I can promise that if I get a chance I will completely change my attitude to both staff and players. Again, I can asure you that none of what happened before will happen again as I have persoanlly went thorugh my posts and realized that the ruthless comments I made were completely repsectless and should not have been posted. I want to be a productive member and help others. I want to change.

Additional Comment(s): none
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