Server Suggestion Hazard pay

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Suggestion Title: Hazard pay
Suggestion Description: Continue to pay government employees (police, fire, medic, etc.) whilst they are unconscious/dead. This would be a compensation for the constant risks that they are forced to take as part of their job.

Why should this be added?:
- Government salary is a fraction of other illegal options. Spending 20+ minutes dead in an hour can cut that already-low salary in half, making it hard to incentivize workers to be online during high-risk hours.
- Government workers are unjustly punished for deaths or injuries on the job that are part of their duty and are often unavoidable.

What negatives could this have?:
- Better pay for government employees = bad because less city funds
(The idea that it prevents officers from putting their lives at risk is a moot point, as officers spending 5 minutes on a black screen is deterrence enough, and often are forced by their duty as police/SS to engage in dangerous situations.)
Definitely more incentivizing to stay alive, but PLPD is just black screen simulator if you don't have TFU :/
I could support this, but I'd be down if it came in the form of a raise.
It should be reduced BUT i do think with how much PD is a black screen because they refuse to give them better weapons and not every is TFU material that it should be added in some form.
Game balance. If an experienced 15 player zerg cannot overpower the PD, then the newer players stand no chance at even escaping.

If you give them no chance, the server becomes boring and they leave.

Very hard to find the balance, but considering the PD is practically no risk, medium reward, it's still a good deal.
I think everyone should get paid when unconscious, but government jobs should only get half pay when dead. It's better than nothing, especially for lower ranked officers who make jack shit compared to corporal and above. Also, not being paid whilst unconscious is a raw deal, especially when it makes no sense. Like, I ain't even dead yet, and the city is like: "lets not pay this mf salary whilst he clinging to life"
I think everyone should get paid when unconscious, but government jobs should only get half pay when dead. It's better than nothing, especially for lower ranked officers who make jack shit compared to corporal and above. Also, not being paid whilst unconscious is a raw deal, especially when it makes no sense. Like, I ain't even dead yet, and the city is like: "lets not pay this mf salary whilst he clinging to life"
This is a good way to go about it.
I think everyone should get paid when unconscious, but government jobs should only get half pay when dead. It's better than nothing, especially for lower ranked officers who make jack shit compared to corporal and above. Also, not being paid whilst unconscious is a raw deal, especially when it makes no sense. Like, I ain't even dead yet, and the city is like: "lets not pay this mf salary whilst he clinging to life"
Maybe not when you're unconscious, but when you're dead dead, then you shouldn't be getting paid.

You don't always have to win a gunfight and if money is so important to you whilst playing as cop, then you should more according to rule 3.4, which probably the whole PD could be accused of. Going 1v10 and so on.
Maybe not when you're unconscious, but when you're dead dead, then you shouldn't be getting paid.

You don't always have to win a gunfight and if money is so important to you whilst playing as cop, then you should more according to rule 3.4, which probably the whole PD could be accused of. Going 1v10 and so on.
Regular cops are more often than not, majorly outgunned, and generally speaking, aren't allowed to duck calls or ignore serious crime, so arguing that it's 3.4 to get into a gunfight is fucking stupid, especially when gunfights can start over almost anything, and oftentimes, cops have no idea what they're walking into, as the criminals are almost always the ones who decide when and where an engagement will start.

The issue at hand here is that, whilst yes, cops get money from confiscations, that's irrelevant if they can't win any engagements because they've got no backup. Why have they got no backup? Because nobody wants to play cop when it's 60% black screen, and therefore, 40% of the pay they should be getting, which for most officers, is abysmal anyway. I'd be content with halving confiscation pay, giving the difference to city funds, and getting say, half of your paycheck when dead. Half pay is still not great, but at least then it won't discourage officers from continuing to play when they're stuck in blackscreen half the time.

Pay unconscious people full pay as well, cause it just makes no sense to not pay someone when they're injured.

Also, handcuffed people don't get paid, which is dumb, they should only not get paid when they're actually in jail.

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