Healthier lunch and dinner options?


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Morning guys, I've endlessly googled and all I can find are woman's magazines where the meals are like 1 kcal and it's just a single piece of lettuce. I've recently started dieting as I'm aiming to lose some weight before I apply for the Police at the end of August. I'm literally the pickiest kid and I hate anything that grows on trees or comes out the ground but I should probably try some stuff.

Probably the wrong place to ask something like this (an online gaming community lol) but I'm sure there are a few guys that may have some knowledge in this. So I'm looking for lunch and dinner options which are under around 570 kcal and high in fibre. Plus if you have any tips regarding dieting go ahead with them, oh and I need stuff to snack as I eat like a slob all day long.

Cheers babs.
Avocado Vewwy gud 5 you

As me being Vegan from like when i was born :p

Just try to eat Avocado they are food who stem directly from the gods
Go to Germany, get a McToast Cheese. They can't be that bad for you...


No trees required.
Friend recommended this, he lost like 5kg
Jokes aside, as breakfast/lunch just make a nice smoothy with a big mix of fruit, or just eat alot of salads. The only fruit i like is a fucking banana, but mixing em up tastes much better than just taking a bite
Stop being a bitch and stop eating, if you can't lose weight just stop eating until you feel that you did lose weight, that's my 2 cent's

inspired by tyler1
Its not always what you eat it can vary on the portions. along with changing your diet you should reduce your portions its no use eating salad all say if its a bucketful of it. If your going to look on the back of packets for the nutritional values watch for the little tiny intentionally hard to see text saying per 100g.
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Avoid carbs is the best option, instead of rice, eat brown rice. Instead of bread, get protein rolls.

Go on diabetes forums and look at the diets on there, they are really good cause for diets.
Best thing for being healthy and lose weight is mainly to stop with all the intake of sugar (fast carbs).
No more soda or other sugary drinks, alcohol, candy, chocolate, chips, sugary youghurt, nutella, peanutbutter etc etc. The list goes on and on, but you get the drill.
Eating good only goes so far. Whilst it is essential to get ye olde food pyramid, it needs to be backed up with plenty of exercise.

Drink plenty of water, aim for a few pints a day. Sounds like a lot but when you get into the habit of it, you won't even notice. If you really must have a "naughty"snack (sound like a grandma), then whilst it sounds dumb, go for actual sweets such as skittles or lollipops rather than snacks like cherry bakewells or chocolate fingers.

Do swimming too. It's literally one of the best exercises you can do and in my opinion is one of the funnest, especially if you get some friends to join you.

Yours sincerely
- Skinniest guy on perp
I know from experience, that it's not always the food you eat, or the portions, although that does matter. Exercise, and cutting down on snacking are bound to be a huge help. Then again, missing a few meals a day can help too, that's the only reason I'm under eleven stone. Although, honestly, not the best idea.
I know from experience, that it's not always the food you eat, or the portions, although that does matter. Exercise, and cutting down on snacking are bound to be a huge help. Then again, missing a few meals a day can help too, that's the only reason I'm under eleven stone.
(On phone)
One of the worst ways to loose weight is to just not eat. Never miss a meal, but instead change it for something healthier. Not eating will leave you with less energy to exercise.