Hello its me!
Hello guys, I am playing Perp for a while now and I notice that a lot of people do not know who I am. Which is completely fine of course I also don’t know a lot of people in the server. But I am trying to close this gab a little bit.
So some quick info about me. I am a 16 years old boy that lives in the Netherlands. My name is Guus, I think most people are not even capable of pronounce that correctly. That’s why most of you guys know me in the server as Alliat, and let’s keep it that way.
When you see me active on the server I am most likely inside the police force or making Trapani Pasta. I really like passive RP. But keeping the streets safe is also I thing that I really like to do bye performing my duties as an officer of the law.
In this threat I also want to take you guys. For making Perpheads so great. I really enjoy planning Perp and that is because of the nice community we created to getter. So Thank you for that.
Some people that are special for me and I want to thank personally.
Are Josef (@Josef Stalin) for letting me start with playing Perpheads. Without you I would never started on this server.
The other 3 guys I want to thank are.
Thomas Frederick (@Thomas Fredrick) , Tomas Costello (@ijokerxo) and Peter wolf (@Col. Collier) . You are great example in the way you are performing your duty as an LEO. You are always kind an professional. I really look up to you and I want to thank you for making to police force so great for me.
I did not mention a lot of names apologies for that. But I would have to make a verry long post if I have to mention all of you I hope you can forgive me <3.
Well thats a little bit about me.
See ya guys in the sever!