Help Furki pick his parts

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North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

The time for the custom built is slowly coming. Just need a bit of advice on which parts to actually get. Since Uncle Alex_:D is bit of a knob and gets himself banned and can't check the forums, I might have to ask him some other time but for now I can count on you people. Make it affordable, for example I don't really need a 200€ motherboard. Literally, best bang for the buck.


i5-6400 or i5 4460?


If both are shit, let me know.
Motherboard (Beware of the socket, the above given CPUs 6400=Skylake, 4460=Haswell.):
Recommendations needed.
500-600W is more than enough to power this all tbh, if not then probably a bit lower. Not more needed, just need a good PSU series so I won't die by cheaping out on the PSU
Dual channel so I'll get a decent 2x4GB DDR4 one.

Will definetely be a 1060

Probably this. If you have any other good/cheaper recommendations then please tell me, don't want the case to look all hyped up, keep it simple.

HDD and SSD:


OS not needed as I still have a Windows 7 disc by me.

Thanks in advance :moron:

Literally just by working 2 days, worked today aswell so I can get to my budget easily in 4-5 days or so and claim some birthday moolah I haven't even done yet. What a lovely job.

Thank you PayPal for the 1 cent.

Complete part list:





HDD and SSD:



Total cost:
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I5 6600

600 w is good

Get 2x 8gb of ddr 4 ram

1060 is decent, you could get more for tgat money but im on phone atm so i cba to find something better

Case look good

Get a ssd, even if its just 150 gb, just so you can run your os and some other key programs, especially since your going for a 1 tb harddrive.
Go for the i5-6400 since its only €1 more and by checking some benchmarks, it performs slightly better than the 4460 in terms of fps in games (unsure when it comes to rendering stuff if you ever wanna do that). Fairly certain L1151 socket motherboards only allow DDR4 but a 2x4gb stick is fairly cheap anyway regardless. Not sure what website you're using, but for the motherboard try this or this (if you wanna use it in the future and SLI with it) out. Seems like everything would fit in the 100R since its quite a spacious case. I've had the CX600 for quite a while (around 2 years) now and it seems to be doing perfectly fine and is great for it's price in my opinion, shouldn't have any problems powering this rig what so ever. If you have any money spare left over, grab an SSD too and install Windows on it, you won't regret it :)
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Don't get a 970

3.5GB vram

I like what you have put at the moment, make sure you go for a skylake for the reasons that Feng has put.
Get a i5-6600 or an i5-6600k (if you want to overclock) I currently have it and it's a fucking beast for the price. (60fps on arma 2 epoch and max settings on gmod around 20-80fps). I have the asus H110 plus motherboard, it's cheap af and does the job, has enough ports etc.

For cases, I'd really recommend a fractal design define R4, it's my current case and it's a really good case. It's a bit on the expensive side (70 pounds) but it's worth. It comes with 2 case fans, the design is simplistic but very nice and comes with all this anti dust filters which are really cool, and a really nice front door style thing also keeps my pc cool and airflow is great. Also I picked up 16GB of DDR4 corsair vengeance ram for around 60 quid I think it was.

I have the Fractal Design Define R4, it was easy to build with it, just don't know if it's compatible for your parts.
Think I should update this.

I will go for a Ryzen 1600 (I don't play on overclocking so no X version) and a RX 580. Case is still the same and so is PSU but I need a good AM4 motherboard for the Ryzen. Anything not too expensive will do, no need for overclocking capability as I'm not getting the X version. In other news I also got myself a good desk and chair for the new build, a replacement was really needed.
* I would choose i5 4460 over 6400
* any motherboard would do its job but ill go with Asus brand if you ask me cuz its the best in motherboard manufacturing
* I have a corsair vs550 (looks decent for me and doing well)
* got an ASUS GTX 1060 STRIX ROG which is the best 1060 (you can actually compare it between other and you will see the big difference between the clocks)
* As far as I know the corsair vengeance is the best Rams but also the most expensive.
* I recommend you to buy a western digital HDD
* I don't know about the SSD
Get 6600K or 7600K with either a Z170 or Z270 :) And ddr4 of course
[DOUBLEPOST=1496093953,1496093830][/DOUBLEPOST]For PSU i heavily recommend the Corsair CX550M, it is cheap and reliable, and quiet! Dont go for the CX550, it is cheaper, but is wellknown for being shit, so grey CX only!

GREEN (for some reason link wont work: )
