Help me set up my ethernet

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Coventry, United Kingdom
I was hoping to ditch wifi since a wired connection is way better, I don't actually know what I need and how I am able to do it, my router is downstairs and I have some weird port thing in my wall I'm guessing that's used for telephone or potentially setting up ethernet so any help would be appreciated

EDIT 1 - this is what I mean by the weird port thing
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When I switched from WiFi to Ethernet I needed to make a few holes in the floor and walls to get the 20m Ethernet cable to my room. It was a tight fit but it worked. Not sure what you mean with the weird port thing, maybe look up the name of it and post a picture so we can help you further.

Disclaimer: If you are going to drill some holes, ask your parents (if you still live with them) to help you because they know where you can't drill a hole and where you can

My friend bought another router and connected it to their actual router through WiFi. He then connected an Ethernet cable to the end of the new router and the end of his computer. I am not sure if this affects performance(@Riekelt ?) but he always has good internet and has the maximum amount of mbits his provider allows.

Which WiFi Dongle do you use?
There are many dongles which are better and can have almost the same performance as a Ethernet cable (Cable is ALWAYS better though, just like there is always an Asian better than you). If you get this 87 USD dongle from Asus you are most likely going to get good performance for a WiFi Dongle.

Let me tag @Riekelt for you. He probably knows more about this sort of stuff than I do.
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So the port in your wall was probably installed by previous tenants etc, it's probably cable which runs down to another part of your house - You should have two of the ports, one most likely upstairs then one downstairs. Try get a picture of this, and we can see what kind of port it is - it may be that you have to get a couple of converters but it's better for you rather than drilling a fatty hole into your wall.

If you don't want to go about drilling Etc, some wifi adapters are probably just as good as a hard wire connection - I get just under 300mbps usually on a WiFi connection using a WiFi adapter.