Help me with a headset

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Alright, so my krakens have a problem in which the sound system sends is actually boosted by the headphones and on recording everything is quiet, and i can hear everything fine, I googled my ass off for about a year and i think it's time to give up. Recommend me a good headset for under $180 preferrably with
-Surround Sound
-RGB (optional)
-Volume control independent from system
-Shipping to Russia
Gaming headsets are just a mic attached to a pair of mediocre headphones at best. I'd recommend getting a pair of headphones and either an Antlion Modmic 5.0 or a V-Moda Boompro mic. The V-Moda is personally my favourite, as it attaches to your headphones' 3,5 mm audio jack and replaces your cable.

I recommend getting a pair of Status Audio CB-1's and the V-Moda Boompro.

Edit: If you do want gaming headphones, I recommend getting, as Hayden said, the HyperX Cloud II's or a pair of Sennheisers
Fuck all the other suggestions.

Alas, I was in your position before (i didnt have headset b4 XD FUCK). I wanted suggestions, so I asked the ppl here, but I only got fucking shit suggestions. Then, @Youseff , a big ass faggot, decided to recommend me the G35.
serious: G35 is cheap and good
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This is very good !
get wireless logitech headsets or if you dont want wireless just get normal logitech headsets they got some good ones.
Well i got the HyperX Cloud 2 and i've got some problems with it... first, the mic is utterly quiet (turned up to max on the controller), second, headphones sound flat and low quality with both 7.1 on and off. I've played a bit of r6s and the gunshots and everything sound horrible and i couldn't even tell if an explosion was in my room or not....
[DOUBLEPOST=1492978623,1492975372][/DOUBLEPOST]@Hayden do you use it with USB or 3.5MM?
If you want to troubleshoot the audio quality, try plugging in the 3,5 mm jack into your phone or a similar device. If it still sounds bad, then your headphones are probably a bad pair, or you're getting used to not having the sloppy and overwhelming bass of Razer Krakens.
Don't know the exact models it's like H100 or something from corsair I deffinetly reccomend it. Haven't used a headset in ages and speakers are deffinetly better in my oppinion. But corsair makes great product for a decent price and it will last you a while.
Why do all people have overpriced headsets, i'm rocking a blue snowball and apple headphones. Haven't ever had a problem because if my headphones break, i simply replace them for a minimal price plus apple headphones are surprisingly good quality.