Help me with my room decoration

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I’m making this thread for people who’ve got experience in decorating their rooms. I’ve been in this new apartment for about 9 months now and haven’t really taken advantage of the fact that I have a pretty huge room no flex intended. So I’d like for you guys to recommend me stuff to decorate my room with. I’m not talking about your little zen gardens or anything like that. I’m talking about like LED Lights for around the ceiling, backlighting, LED Desk mats, etc etc. I don’t have a budget but ideally don’t wanna spend too much because I feel like buying the most expensive desk mat will make a difference so it’s all the same to me.

Things I am thinking about buying:

-Those little wire holders that you put on your desk
-LED Backlighting for my TV (Approximately 77 inches)
-A large LED Desk mat
-Holders for paintings that don’t require me drilling a whole in the wall - recommend me a heavy duty one because I have an autographed D-wade jersey in a heavy glass frame that I need hung but then also have some light paintings and pictures.
-Monitor(s) (Def recommend me some good ones.)

Just in general recommend me some cool stuff that you’d put in a “mancave”. Once I have everything set up I’ll probably make a video of the end result or something.

If you recommend me something good I wasn’t thinking about and I buy it I’ll give you perp cash for helping
Replace that shitty curved monitor with a 240hz monitor if you mind splurging some money on a new monitor. Pretty sure your PC can reach 240fps on some games so it worth it otherwise 144hz

also get a mouse bungee it’s really useful

here’s a case thing for your shoes and for other stuff which could be cool for showing off and etcetera

Get these. I use them in my flat and they're great at holding up pretty much anything, pictures, mirrors etc. You don't need to drill and they don't leave a mark
Would it be good for a heavy duty frame? Like its pretty heavy or at least lots heavier than a regular one
Each strip can hold something like 5kg I think. Just use a strip on each corner and you'll be fine. It's surprising how much weight they can take. I've a huge mirror that's about 7kg and it's held fine
Also if you want to make it a man cave, I'd actually recommend either some models or flags. It can be from literally anything, like a Empire flag from star wars and models of anime or whatever it is you like.
I've got country flags in my room as that's my thing and models of German tanks and aircraft. They look pretty cool.

One of the first videos I see pmsl @Creepis @Alyt

It just seems like he’s complaining that it’s too expensive and there is cheaper knockoff alternatives that will burn your house down.
Mini fridge, I might buy one but it seems a bit haHAA if you know what I mean.
Been wanting to get some nice star wars stuff, not too sure about a SW Flag tho because I don’t want girls thinking im in a cult or some shit
I have a mini fridge next to my desk and there is fungus growing inside of it help
You can get some figures or ornamental stuff pretty much anywhere.

I'm pretty sure star wars is the biggest merchandise franchise there is. There's literally star wars everything.