[Help Thread] Common 'FailRP' Mistakes

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Good day everyone,

I decided to make a thread about the following problem. In the past few weeks , I've had many , many problems with players , who seem to draw their weapons too quickly ,if you will. In the past few weeks i've had this issue almost every day. Players end up pulling out their guns and shooting at , for example , an officer who just intended to give a verbal warning , or even just ask some questions.

As this server is considered a serious RP , I thought I could help out a bit by explaining a thing or two that , in my eyes , could make people understand what I mean better.

Below you can read some situations , where it is in my honest opinion , and simple common sense , NOT okay to pull out a gun and start shooting. :

- An officer pulls you over for a standard traffic routine , for example to ask a question , check your ID or give you a warning.
- You see your friend being arrested in a crowded street , with several witnesses and multiple officers on scene.
- An officer knocks on the door of your residence to speak to the owner of the residence.
- Someone steals your car and takes off as you stand by and watch the crime happen.

Note that in all situations , it is extremely unrealistic to pull out a gun and fire for the following reasons. I'm going to refer to real life to explain this properly.

- Imagen an officer pulls you over , for any reason what so ever , say ask some questions , you were speeding , etc. Would you , in real life , consider shooting said cop ?
- So your friend is being taken to jail , In real life you wouldn't pull out a gun and start shooting several armed officers , with several witnesses on scene.
- Someone (in this case an officer) knocks on your door to speak to you , it is unrealistic to just open the door and shoot that person.
- If you see someone drive off in your car , In real life , you wouldn't pull a weapon and start shooting your vehicle. You'd contact the police for example.

After getting some feedback , I've decided to also add some examples of how you could actually act in said situations.

- When pulled over casually by a police officer. It's better so simply co operate with said officer. the better your co operation, the less trouble you'll get yourself in. Do as the officer asks, show respect, and you'll find yourself in less trouble with the police.
- When someone you know is being arrested , suggest (in a friendly manner) to come along to the PD to try and defend your friends case verbally in an interogation room.
- When someone is at your door , just communicate with said person before acting in any drastic manner. If you really do not wish to communicate for whatever reason , you could for example pretend you aren't at home. Gunshots are heard very easily , if you shoot there's a big chance the PD is called , and you'll just get more officers at the door. Plus ; having a body in front of your doorstep doesn't exactely help your case in any way.
- Let's be honest. You wouldn't shoot your car in real life. It will get you in trouble with the authorities, and you may very well wreck that 500k sportscar you've been saving up for (irl there is no such thing as respawning it ...) Simply call the police and describe your vehicle. If you saw the thief , describe him briefly too. Give the authorities the general direction in which the thief escaped , and ask them to please contact you when they find anything.

I'm well aware that there are exceptions , I merely suggest you think realistically before you act. When in doubt ask yourself the following question : "Is what I'm about to do realistic , and would I do it in real life?'" If the answer is 'no' or you are in doubt , it is best to not take the plunge.

That is really the whole point of this post. Often players get in trouble just because they acted before thinking their actions through properly. If you take the moment to ask yourself the so stated questions before acting drastically , I feel a lot of people could keep themself out of trouble.

Since this is the first time I've ever done a thread like this , please feel free to criticize it so I can improve them in the future. Your comment is , as always , greatly appreciated.

PS: Admins , Moderators , etc. Please feel free to adjust the post in any way you see fit, if you believe i've made any mistakes , or something important was left out. Feel free to adjust the post accordingly.

Thank you for the time to read this through!
Great post and amazing effort. I completely agree with you but there is one thing that you could have added. So we want people to not do this. We could have put ways to get around it.

Great way to help the server. God Save The Queen! ;]
Good post etc etc, but theres on thing i disagree on. The shooting your own vehicle if it gets stolen fail roleplay part. If you witness your own car getting stolen and the theif starts driving away, and you have a gun on you, i think shooting at the car is an option because the theif will most likley get out of the car ( when the vehicle is '' destroyed '' ). You can repair a broken car, but if it gets stolen, its most likley you wont ever see it again. And i know this is serious roleplay and you would most likley not do it in real life. But after all this is still a game where violence is enjoyed and exciting.
DaNiz said:
Good post etc etc, but theres on thing i disagree on. The shooting your own vehicle if it gets stolen fail roleplay part. If you witness your own car getting stolen and the theif starts driving away, and you have a gun on you, i think shooting at the car is an option because the theif will most likley get out of the car ( when the vehicle is '' destroyed '' ). You can repair a broken car, but if it gets stolen, its most likley you wont ever see it again. And i know this is serious roleplay and you would most likley not do it in real life. But after all this is still a game where violence is enjoyed and exciting.
Imagine you have a 500k sport car, you will not start shooting because in real life it cant become repaired like it does ingame.
Good work!
A lot of this things will become fixed with the new rules but its always good to have concrete examples.
If you want to add more situation examples and say how they should act.
I stuck this for you.
Hadi.786 said:
Great post and amazing effort. I completely agree with you but there is one thing that you could have added. So we want people to not do this. We could have put ways to get around it.

Great way to help the server. God Save The Queen! ;]
After some feedback I've decided to add some ways of how you could act (as examples) thank you for your feedback Hadi ! :)
DaNiz said:
Good post etc etc, but theres on thing i disagree on. The shooting your own vehicle if it gets stolen fail roleplay part. If you witness your own car getting stolen and the theif starts driving away, and you have a gun on you, i think shooting at the car is an option because the theif will most likley get out of the car ( when the vehicle is '' destroyed '' ). You can repair a broken car, but if it gets stolen, its most likley you wont ever see it again. And i know this is serious roleplay and you would most likley not do it in real life. But after all this is still a game where violence is enjoyed and exciting.
I don't believe you should open fire on it. You won't have a valid case with the PD anymore. In the end the authorities are the best way of getting your car back. As soon as you shoot you are violating laws and the PD will have to deal with you too. This means they most likely wont be as focussed on getting your car back , as you are now a 'criminal' in their eyes.

Also , as menta says ; I don't think you'd shoot your car in any theft situation. You payed good money for it and I doubt insurence covers things like shooting your own car to get your car back.

I agree that there are things you simply can't do in game. Life is too complex for it to be exactely 'realistic' but I still believe car theft should be handled by the authorities.

Anyways , thank you for the feedback and the time to comment Daniz , I appreciate it a lot ! :)
Menta said:
Good work!
A lot of this things will become fixed with the new rules but its always good to have concrete examples.
If you want to add more situation examples and say how they should act.
I stuck this for you.
Thanks a lot !
Very nice post. Well explained with examples. I can say this is a must-read thread for the newcomers ;)

EDIT: Oh it has been made a sticky post already. Nice, I was thinking about that also :D
Ruby said:
Very nice post. Well explained with examples. I can say this is a must-read thread for the newcomers ;)

EDIT: Oh it has been made a sticky post already. Nice, I was thinking about that also :D
Thank you very much Ruby :)
Ruby said:
Very nice post. Well explained with examples. I can say this is a must-read thread for the newcomers ;)

EDIT: Oh it has been made a sticky post already. Nice, I was thinking about that also :D
haha yeah buddy i was faster :P
Although i agree with most of these situations, not everyone is the same. If you're a member of a gang, it might be normal for you to pull a gun if your car is stolen by a rival gang. These situations all assume that nobody is a serious criminal, which i would consider unrealistic. There are psychopaths and murderers in real life, just because they're a minority, it doesn't mean they don't exist and are therefore "un-realistic".
This post is outstanding. I always see people how do these example situations and it just makes me angry (I don't show my anger in-game). So, this guide can really help the "noobs" in what to do in these situations.

Well done!
Even though I have been playing on the server for only a day i think this is the guide that everyone should read!
Great job
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