Starting out in the Police Force

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England, Norfolk
Hey guys Death Howl here bringing you a useful guide for those wanting to try out the police force.

So you have passed the test but can you really perform your duty as you should do? Officers in the force must be understanding, ethical, unbiased and ready to enforce the law at anytime unsure about this?

Section 1 Supervisors

The police force has had Supervisors for sometime their role is to oversee the police force and now support new officers. Many of us are now directed to if possible partner with never members of the police force who are uncertain if they can perform well in the force. The supervisor will be responsible for you as a higher rank he may have the power to recommend or do the complete opposite. First impressions count a supervisor will not waste his time with someone not willing to serve the police force as he should.

Now lets get on with being effective with your new partner with several points.

  1. Listen to the supervisors they have alot more experience and will be concerned for your safety and others.
  2. Do not try take control, Supervisors have been in many situations they know how to deal with them.
  3. During a raid do not rush in or block, No-one not even supervisors like people zerg rushing a base full of armed men.
  4. Never use your firearm unless yours or others lives are in danger, Trigger happy cops are not welcome in the force.
  5. Do not think about putting yourself or your fellow partner at risk, You will probably get kicked out of the car or the force.
  6. Follow orders they are given for a very good reason

Section 2 Patrols

Patroling as an officer could be driving around for some but it is an important part of maintaining order. The very presence of a patrol can mean a difference in the right place at the right time so sweep every part of the city. Being on patrol can also stop vehicles thinking about breaking traffic laws providing you also do not break them. Officers who break traffic laws can find themselfs explaining why to one of the command team.

Remember these key points while on patrol.

  1. Never break traffic laws, Why should others follow the law if you as a officer cannot.
  2. Be observant, A situaton may not be what it seems
  3. Eyes on the road, Distractions and lapses of concerntration can cause accidents
  4. Have a partner, He can keep an eye out while you watch where your driving
  5. Do not hold back traffic, It does not matter if something looks suspicious you need to be aware of traffic.
  6. Do not abuse lights and Sirens, They are not a get past traffic pass they are for emergencies.

Section 3 Traffic Stops

The most common way to stop a vehicle as an officer if done right no-one will get hurt. These traffic stops must be in a safe place and must be within the law unless the vehicle is badly damaged or falls under section 5 (Vehicle pursuits)

You must make yourself aware to the driver but you must also let him know if you are pulling him over. There are several ways of non verbal signalling that you should be aware of.
  1. Flashing headlights
  2. Switching between standard and alt siren.
  3. Indicating/Hazard lights
  4. Lightbar sign
  5. Hand gestures
Once the vehicle pulls over you must before stepping out of the vehicle check for traffic and radio in the traffic stop, you would not believe how many officers and medics slam into a traffic stop by another officer. You could also tell the driver to switch the ignition off and stay in the vehicle. Once you are at the drivers window you explain why you pulled him over and explain the punishment.

(Note) Its best to get the drivers name and check it using F3 in your vehicle, you do not know how many people could actually have a warrent.

Once your traffic stop is complete inform other vehicles that you and the pulled over vehicle is going to pull out by indicating then go slowly watching for traffic, do not go before the vehicle you pulled over as this can cause a collision.

Will be adding section 4 Questioning and section 5 Vehicle Pursuits.
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This is good. I hope new players also take into account "Follow orders" also means don't self assign when there's a dispatcher.
BTW, in general when confronting people etc., remember, it is like table tennis. The harder you hit the ball, so more powerful the ball gets back to you. Means, if you yell at the person which you are confronting, the person who you are confronting yells at you too. So better be nice and calm to the people, if you don't want to get screamed at you.
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