PSA: how to not shoot someone who has surrendered.

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1. Introduction

This is a quick guide for those who cannot register the concept of surrender or a quick disarmament.


2. History

An update with a load of acts was implemented at the start of 2015, one of these was a surrender pose where said individual would throw his hands up into the sky and immediately drop his weapon. The implementation of this new act would enhance the role play experience as it would result with more people preserving their lives.

3. Definition

4. How not to act.

You're an officer of the PLPD and there's suspect who had been shooting several officers within a slums apartment behind a barricade. He fires several shots with his Colt 1911a1, eventually expending his finite amount of ammunition. After a minute of complete silence, a voice is heard yelling "I surrender!" with his hands up from behind the barricade. You decide to unload of the man's barricade still regardless of his yells of telling you to not shoot him with his hands still up in the air. You run over to the other side and see his eyes full of fear, then you unload an entire magazine into him.

6a. example

5. How to act

You're an officer of the PLPD and there's suspect who had been shooting several officers within a slums apartment behind a barricade. He fires several shots with his Colt 1911a1, eventually expending his finite amount of ammunition. After a minute of complete silence, a voice is heard yelling "I surrender!" with his hands up from behind the barricade. All the other officers cease fire and verbally instruct him to come out from the barrier with his hands up facing the wall. He complies and is quickly apprehended.

If you see someone with their hands up, don't shoot him. This has happened to me too many times and it really needs to stop.
This guide will help alot of new PLPD officers(Probs future lieutenants)
Thing is, these were probably rookie cops and when your weapons magically dropped from you, it was only a second later that the bullet came from the gun and hit you. So really there was no time for the officers to react, you did already kill one of them.
After you kill several people/officers your life is the last priority.

In that case it's actually the reverse, you are fleeing, your goal is to preserve your life at all costs, which in most cases means opening fire on the Police as you know that your life will be as good as over when they catch you.

In real life getting caught after a large murder party would mean it would be impossible to get any job where the least amount of trust is needed, your life and health insurance will be through the roof and don't think you're going to get a mortgage for a house of your own, because that's pretty much out of the picture too. Not to mention that you will be in jail for at least 25% of your life.
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