Helper App V2

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STEAM NAME: Zharkan16

STEAM ID:STEAM_0:1:71890489

IN-GAME NAME: Amy Zharkan

WHY DO YOU WANT TO BE A HELPER?: Well I like helping new players, and since most old players don't usually need help and it is fun to help and teach new people as well as help old players, as I've helped old players bypass their gambling addiction and taught them to make money and some were old players but just kept going broke and I helped them with that, so honestly I want to be a helper mainly because I actually help... I find that new players trust it more when an actual ranked member is helping rather than someone random because they fear they will get mugged and such so honestly, I believe as a helper I have what it takes to help people learn about the game mode and I think I am good for this as well since I am friendly and supporting by nature & I am active on the server

WHY SHOULD WE CHOOSE YOU? Well, to be honest, I like helping people and socializing. I feel like helping is something I do all the time and I am known for that in the community so I don't see why I wouldn't fit in for the role... I genuinely like helping others and I want to be a helper and not rank up so I don't see why I wouldn't be good for it when it's mostly what I do on the server

DO YOU HAVE ANY RELEVANT EXPERIENCE?: I always help people in PH, I have been staff in many communities in the past, never a perp but 1 of them was SantosRP

DO YOU HAVE ANYTHING ELSE TO SAY?: I applied for helper because I like helping people and my first app was actually inspired by a new player who told me to apply which meant something to me, although it got denied I have had staff and players say that I deserve to be a helper and I mean I really do like to help others, even if someone was being mean which happened in the past, a guy was being mean and didn't want to be helped then he needed money so he let me finally help him and he learns from here and goes from there and that's fine but at least I got to help, which is really what I enjoy and why I applied, hope you can get what I mean by this.
Thank you for reading my app :)
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