Helper Application

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STEAM NAME: Zharkan16

STEAM ID:STEAM_0:1:71890489

IN-GAME NAME: Amy Zharkan

WHY DO YOU WANT TO BE A HELPER?: Well I like helping new players, feels good and I like to socialize, most people don't need help since they are pros but at least a new person would need my help to get started, not many people get shown the way to how to play good in the server and some get mugged and lose their starter cash, I usually help new players so I don't mind if this doesn't get accepted, but usually I teach them legal ways to make $ and tell them about drugs and give them my IC number in case they need help they text me or call me, and I think that helps them start out legally and safely then progress as they learn how things work! So far I have around 10 people saved in my IC phone as /new next to their name and I hope to expand it

WHY SHOULD WE CHOOSE YOU? Well, to be honest, I like helping people and socializing, especially since I don't really have an org and base with people so I mean teaching new people is fun to me since I get to interact with people for a while till they know how to be free

DO YOU HAVE ANY RELEVANT EXPERIENCE?: I mean I always help people if I can in any server, not just PerpHeads so I mean I don't know if that would count as relevant experience

DO YOU HAVE ANYTHING ELSE TO SAY?: No, not really, I wanted to try this app because someone told me to apply and I been thinking about it was kind of 50/50 I know it has a high chance of being declined for certain reasons but I mean why not give it a try, a rank won't stop me from helping people it'll only add not subtract so why not try! :D anyways hope everyone read this has a nice day and Eid Mubarak if you're Muslim
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Vienna, Austria
With all due respect, but this application is just horrible. Honestly. I’ve got nothing against you, you are a nice person to play with but, seriously, make a better application, make less grammar mistakes, and try not to make your application look non-serious.

Next thing: don’t give us any info about your IC phone as no one really cares if you have a lot of money, cars or friends. All that matters is your behavior and your appearance to become a possible staff member.

Last but not least: I am not quite sure if you are meaning it or not, but, certain messages you send into OOC chat are simply really really childish and/or pointless. Most of your messages have been deleted for that exact reason and trust me, anyone on the server who has OOC enabled can see that message, and it just ruins your image, it makes you look like you are new to the server and like 10 years old.

Anyways, as already said you are a nice person to play with, but get those few things fixed before you apply for Helper.
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Parts Unknown
I don't see grammar mistakes... and about the "non-serious" I mean I wrote it as me... I don't wanna fake a personality that's not me to get it... I do not wanna be a staff member, I mentioned IC phone to mention I have helped new people before and have some of them still in my phone list till now... And whether my OOC are childish or pointless I don't think any of my OOC messages get deleted... I can't recall a time where it happened 0.o

But yes I will admit I am a bit childish at times and I enjoy it, I don't wanna fake a personality to get somewhere, I like to help and I am childish if that stops me so be it I can still help new players without the rank tbh but thanks for your feedback!
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Yes. you are a good candidate for helper. However, I don't see you helping people as much as you should if you would want to be helper. I see you primarily sitting at bazaar which is a good place to get people to know you and get your rep up. Although, as I have said, you don't really help new players. So i'm neutral.
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There really aren't many issues with grammar mistakes. Everyone makes them. Not being mean <REDACTED STAFF MEMBER> makes some, and he is staff. @ibraaa are you saying that anyone who makes grammar mistakes should be marked down on that? I don't think that's a good thing.
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Parts Unknown
I am a mute irl so I don't usually enter TS because 1) my speakers aren't very good 2) I don't really speak to anyone there and people wouldn't really alt tab much to see my chat but I could easily be active there just don't think it'd be useful... Forums... I don't know tbh I am new to the concept of forums and all I still need to get familiar with it more to be honest
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Parts Unknown
I don't really see a lot of new people in PH it's not really a daily thing but I usually help people if I see that they are sweaters, if they ask for help, or drive a mini... Last time I helped someone was Sean Fitzzy like a day or 2 ago, he was planting and fishing but he didn't know about the time needed or about the water needed to plant efficiently so I taught him that but I try tbh, maybe I could ask every now in then in OOC or /help if anyone needs help but I feel like that would be cliche and cause unneeded responses but I will try it out thanks for the feedback
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I apologise, I didn't realise that you are a mute. Tbh, I don't think it should affect your application, but that's up to Senior administration during the admin meeting.
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North of Ireland
I think that you are a good candidate for helper and you are friendly and ive never seen you angry or frustrated, but as many people have mentioned you dont speak. Its not a very big issue to be honest. You are very knowledgeable of the rules and you are good at helping people if they have issues/questions in Help chat. Ive never seen you get in trouble for breaking rules and you are very active. The only things I would say that you dont do is that you dont speak or maintain an active presence on the TS server, but thats because you dont talk.

Overall, You are a good candidate for Helper and I would like to see you get the rank. Good Luck :)
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Parts Unknown
@Jimmy Jackson yeah... that's why I am okay if it fails tbh because a rank doesn't really affect much just adds not subtracts, I will still help people if I see anyone who needs help so its fine with me I guess but I was told to apply and kinda been thinking about it then saw many helpers get accepted and that demotivated me a bit but I was like why not just try and see how it goes so that's what I did
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Parts Unknown
Aww thank you :D and yeah I might need to be active more on TS if its needed but I just feel like it'd be weird just sitting there hearing people and if I type people get annoyed from the chat noise so they don't alt-tab

Never tried it in ph so idk if people get mad or not but from past experience ppl got mad when they hear the ts chat noise
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United States of America
+ Support, many people here are addressing some issues such as no microphone, lack of activity on the forums, and poor grammar. For reference, there had previously been an Enforcer who had no microphone and just drove cars all day long, and it wasn’t too bad. Half the time anyways, staff do not use their microphone. There are also many staff members who were not active on the forums until becoming staff. Furthermore, the server is very diverse with people from many different countries, so for someone that doesn’t have English as their first language, I think grammar issues are understandable.
Zharkan is a very friendly player, always on every night, helping out new people and interacting with the community. Personally I have never seen her growing and always trying to have a good chat and interact. Zharkan has been on the server for a very long time, knows the rules, knows how to help and is overall a good candidate for helper. Look at what Helpers really do, they’re in-character staff members who answer questions and let people know what not to do, and I think Zharkan would be great for this position!


Professional Stripper
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jumps to conclusions, tried to get involved in a situation he wasnt involved in. Where I told my sweater to shoot someone for running me over he saw nothing than the shooting.
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Parts Unknown
Nice way of putting things out of context lol
I said can I come up then wanobi said I'm a witness, I said I saw him kill her for no reason, as GUESS WHAT? I did not see the running over part as it must've happened earlier, which GUESS WHAT AGAIN? it did lol cause wanobi and I been at Bazar for 5 mins or so talking then a man comes to Bazar kills her and runs off... So logically, when in a staff sit and someone says I saw the whole thing, I said I did not see the person being run over but I did see this individual get killed for what seems like no reason as I sat there with them for over 5 minutes

Tho the person did admit they ran you over so I don't get why you're mad about it and had to comment this tryna make me look bad lol
Anyways have a good night
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