Henry's Ban Apology @Blackdown @Hayden

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Reaction score
United Kingdom
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: @Blackdown Extended by @Hayden
How long were you banned for: Originally 1 week, extended to 1 month

Your Steam Name
: Henry
Your In-game Name: Amelia Smith
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:54209905

Why were you banned/blacklisted: 1.1, 1.4 - Targeting another player and causing problems. User had already been told not to continue the behaviour.
Why should this appeal be considered:

Throughout my time since coming back to perp, I have understood the rules a lot more than I used to. The only times I seem to get a punishment is when I do stupid stuff like this, which I regret and makes me feel bad for the staff and players that have to put up with it. With every punishment I have received I've understood what I've done and sometimes think that it's all a joke and it's alright to do, maybe with players that consent (not in that way) but not with everyone. The offences that I have committed towards @zeus. were disgusting, I was basically bullying him and taking the mickey out of him which was unacceptable and made him feel uncomfortable, I do feel bad and regretful for my actions towards this user and can promise that it will never happen again.

I'd like to personally apologise to @Blackdown he comes on the server late at night after a long day and he had to hop on to see the actions I was committing. He personally knows that I'm not usually that kind of person to bully and harass players like that. I just wanted to apologise for everything, especially since you told me that you'd had a bad day and wanted to come onto perp for some quality roleplay but had to deal with me instead, you're an excellent staff member and I regret everything that you had to witness last night and everything that you had to deal with.

@Hayden I'd like to apologise for you having to have an involvement with the situation, the extension of the ban was well deserved and I'll accept it since multiple staff members agreed with the decision by yourself. You also know that I'm not the kind of person to be toxic and I've let you down by doing so.

@Clarky I'd also like to apologise to you for having to verbally warn me to leave @zeus. alone which I disregarded and decided to continue my behaviour. You warned me about receiving a ban and I didn't take it seriously. I do deeply apologise for disregarding your orders and for you having to be involved in our conflict.

@zeus. we have our differences and you left me alone that night, I should've done the exact same or at least interacted with you in a friendly manner. We don't have to be friends, but I want us to have a friendly relationship and generally be chill with each other I'm willing to do so if you are too. From now on, every interaction we have will be within roleplay and in character since I did say some nasty things to you that clearly weren't in character and was mocking you which was completely unacceptable. I've never been this toxic to a player before and in fact I'm no longer known as a toxic player. The sudden 1 month extension has shown me how serious the situation is and it's definitely deterred me from repeating my actions in the future.

I deeply apologise to everyone who was involved in the situation, I have never received an in game punishment for 1.1 and this has really made me understand the severity of the situation. I can assure everyone that this won't happen again and that I fully regret my actions.

Additional Comment(s): Thank you for reading.

Due to the severity of your actions, we feel 1 month is suitable and believe that you should wait out the ban. Use this time to reflect on what has happened and hopefully we don't have a repeat of this upon your return.

Reviewed with @Blackdown @flugs @curak @THE SPOOK
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