Here I am again

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Back with another request for help, it's kind of homework related so figured it would be nice to post it here...

as some of you guys know do I not have such a large self esteem and am I still afraid of making failures.
now I have a big ass test tomorrow for economics and I do the studying part all great, preparing it all and taking my time studying for and preparing it... I suck at economics and the nervosity will bring me to a bad grade again, as it prevents me from sleeping and makes me feel bad overall...

so anyone has any tricks on getting the nervosity down?

like I do not need psychiatry sessions with people but I am almost sure I am not the only one struggling with nervosity for tests and maybe someone has any simple tricks on getting it down...

anyways thanks in advance to those who reply :)

Try to keep your mind of the exam except for when you're studying/making the exam, dont think about it when its not necessary

I actually understand economy , i'm always really chill on tests because i makre sure i have nothing to worry about.

Make sure you know what kind of test it is and what type of questions he/she/it/apache helicopter askes. Are they tests straight from the publisher(book will do) or one made by your teacher(will 99% include "aantekening" )

Just ask yourself: i learned for this(ask someone to ask you random questions from the book, like a verbal test) and i know what kind of questions will be on the test. Do i have a reason to worry? No, so i dont have to worry. Eating/drinking before the test also works since your brain will stop stressing since it will assume you're "safe" if you eat
I used to be nervous for exams before, now I'm not for some reason, what I used to do was just listen to music that i liked and focus on other things, as Someone who has played on the server way too much I went cop a lot as it's a job where you Focus a lot.

However if you're nervous because you don't know the subject/the current things you go through all i can say is stay focused in school and study, read up on the stuff, ask your teacher, mates anyone.
Go in confident! 9/10 you'll read a question and the answer is something you remember! More you stress the more you rush! Just have a laugh with friends etc pre test and its fine
Dont worry about failing, just worry about doing your best and accepting the results, even if they might not be perfect, as long as its a passing grade its not the end of the world. Idk about you, but the environment I went to school in was filled with overachievers and people who were worried about acing and getting max grades on their exam for every breathing moment of their existence
Of course you should study hard, im not saying you shouldnt, but worry about the results when you get them, not before youve even begun the exam
Ive always studied hard and gotten middle and also quite often low grades, but I know I did my best and thats all that counts.
Just saying what works for me and now im at uni and all is going well
Thank you all for responding and helping me out with this issue, used some of your tricks and the test went seemingly better :)

All I can say is thanks really :)