- Messages
- 100
- Reaction score
- 167
- Points
- 290

Locals of Hicktown, some affiliated with the skinhead streetgang active in the neighbourhood.
Hicktown Skinheads
Hicktown Skinheads (EHS or EHSH) is a white supremacist streetgang mainly active in the northern parts of Hicktown.
A majority of their members are local white teenagers and young adults, born in poverty, surrounded by violence and crime. The gang is noted for drug trafficking, especially Methamphetamine, aswell as burglarly, aggravated robbery and car theft. Although a white supremacist gang, their ranks consist of hispanic individuals aswell, due to the large population of hispanics in the area.
Hicktown has a 64% unemployment rate. Almost 40% of males between the ages of 18 and 26 have been charged with either a violent crime, or a drug related crime. Young white teenagers are being recruited and used to the gang's benefit in change for protection from the other non-white gangs active in the area.
From the year 2005, violent crime has doubled in the neighbourhood.

Drug bust on Sustancia Road, Hicktown. A handgun with no serial number was tied to a double homicide which took place two months before the bust.
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