- Staff
- #1

Libertarian conservatism: a conservative political philosophy and ideology that combines right-libertarian politics and conservative values. Libertarian conservatives' first value is negative liberty to achieve socially and culturally conservative ends. They reject liberal social engineering.
We here at the Libertarian Conservative party, Stand for the working man who is trying to make something of himself. The Bazaar stalls, the shopkeepers, the factory workers, the craftsman, and the city!
Our candidate for the council is Damien Wylde! Damien vows to you that he will guide the city to Prosperity, security, and a brighter today and tomorrow!
He wishes to make you and everyone you know's lives safer, easier and better, and he knows just how to do it!
Our party has strong opinions and policies on issues that plauge our city, Which we shall now address:
Violent Crime:
The free arms trade in Paralake makes it easier to obtain a firearm for malicious activity.
The paralake city Bazaar is the life of the business district, where anyone can become a businessman for a day without any long-term financial commitment. Vendors of all kinds sell there wares and services to the public daily, The most common being gun stores, Fishmongers, and Casinos.
As proud firearm owners ourselves, we know exactly why law abiding citizens own firearms: You are a vigilant citizen looking to defend yourself, your family and your homes from the scum that want to break in and rob you, or worse.
We aren't pushing for tighter gun control. We are, However, looking into regulations to make firearms harder to obtain for ill intent. How, you ask?
- The private sale of fiirearms will be outlawed. Under our legistlation, a firearm can only be sold in a bank owned business property, such as a shop in the business sector or the bazaar. Trading a firearm privately, however, is still legal if you exchange it for other firearms, furniture, electrical goods and the likes if no cash is exchanged during the transaction.
- MAXIMUM punishment for people who abuse there god given right to self defence by using there weapon to aid and abeit there criminal activity.
- Concealed carry of a semi automatic or single action handgun will be legal in most areas of the city, as long as you inform any law enforcement officers that you are carrying a personal defence firearm if they question you, pull you over, etc.
- Due to the remote, isolated nature of the forest and hicktown areas and the difficulty for police to respond quickly, the limitation of only having semi automatic handguns will be raised, allowing for the carrying of Pump-action shotguns and Sub machine guns in a NON threatening manner.
- Any legally obtained firearm can be used to defend a bank owned property which you posess the deed to. If you wanna defend your slums apartment with a 50. Caliber anti material sniper rifle, then go right ahead!
- ZERO tolerance policy on manufacturing, sale, possession, transportation, or having any involvement with an explosive device. Suspicion of an explosive device will lead to evacuation of any nearby civillians and possible lethal force used on the perpetraitors.
Drugs & Narcotics:
- Marijuana will be reclassified from its current legal status. A small quantity Marijuana may be possessed for personal use on a private property. Whilst cultivation and sale will still remain illegal, a single small Marijuana plant will no longer be reasonable grounds for a search warrant. Manufacturing and possession with intent to sell will still remain a crime and will still come with a serious punishment. Transporting small quantities with intent to use personally in a private property will lead to a small fine of up to 150 per bag found on your person. Driving under the influence of marijuana will remain illegal and will carry a penalty of up to $2000 in fines, 2 years in prison, and impoundment of your vehicle.
- Being found under the influence of a drug by the police will only be a crime if you are driving or operating machinery or doing a government paid job. Police, Paramedics or firemen however will have a duty of care over people intoxicated to a point where they are a hazard to themselves or others, and must transport the intoxicated individuals to a safe location, such as the individuals home, a friend or family member of the individuals home, The police station, or the hospital.
- If someone is killed in a methamphetamine lab explosion, the cultivators of the drug will face manslaughter charges.
- Freedom: The government's role in society is to keep you safe and offer assistance in times of need. They are NOT there to dictate your life and keep you from any activity unless said activity is harmful to your society and fellow citizens. If elected, our representative will fight against any additions to the Penal code which will put citizens at risk of government corruption or unnecessary intervention, suppression of political beliefs or lifestyle choices, and any and all forms of oppression!
- Prosperity: Those who strive to achieve are an asset to society and its economy! The Businessmen, the working men, the heroes of our emergency services and law enforcement are the pride of our great city and we will fight against any laws that will obstruct such people from greatness!
- Stability: Paralake is a proud capitalist city and we will defend it from the distructive maws of self-destructive ideology, The tax payer will not be burdened with excessive taxerdisation so some self entitled socialist pansies can live a life without self pride, strife, achievement or apsiration at the working mans expense!
- Heritage: Did you know Paralakes own church is often used to cultivate narcotics in large amounts? In the lords own home! The church isnt just an old, dusty building, Its gods villa in our great city! We strive to put an end to this, and make the church a safe space for the religious to pray to the heavens!
This document has been read, assessed and approved by our leading candidate, Damien Wylde.