Suggestion Title: Hospital treatment.
Suggestion Description: Allow people to be revived in the back room at hospital, no matter how many medics are in service.
Paramedics in service receive XP and $ compensation for each person that is revived by the hospital staff.
Why should this be added?:
- Allows people to get revived when they should, especially when all the paramedics are pre-occupied dealing with 20 other life alerts elsewhere.
What negatives could this have?:
- Bypasses some paramedics, but they get compensated, so not really a negative.
Useful images:
Suggestion Description: Allow people to be revived in the back room at hospital, no matter how many medics are in service.
Paramedics in service receive XP and $ compensation for each person that is revived by the hospital staff.
Why should this be added?:
- Allows people to get revived when they should, especially when all the paramedics are pre-occupied dealing with 20 other life alerts elsewhere.
What negatives could this have?:
- Bypasses some paramedics, but they get compensated, so not really a negative.
Useful images: