Hostage Negotiations

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Niko's PC
After personally witnessing an aids fest today, we need to talk about preserving the life of hostages and following demands. Instead of trying to be the hero and shoot all the bad guys, try to save the life of the hostage....
Personally when i'm on the duty i will only negotiate BEFORE there are casualties, if any officers were shot before the hostage situation guns will be blazing. People think that taking a hostage is a get out of jail free card and gives them a reason to cry in OOC after they got gunned down. Besides, 99% of the time the hostage takers will lose IRL to.
A hostage situation is taking and giving, something a lot of people do not seem to understand.

No, we will not take all our cops away, that will also never happen in real life, you get to pick a simple demand, and we will give you what you want, and you give us a hostage.

If you don't give us a hostage, or fuck with the police, then expect a SWAT team busting down on your ass.

Taking someone hostage never ends in favor of the hostage taker, it's in most cases plain suicide.
What most of the time happens when I see sits like this is that some guy inside gets angry and starts shooting then when the police breach inside (because the hostage may have been killed) they get angry and start complaining in OOC.

Sometimes they try to breach in while negotiating due to the fact that they are distracted and catch them off by surprise. In both situations it's kinda hard not to hit the hostage considering that most people end up using the hostage as a meat shield.
What most of the time happens when I see sits like this is that some guy inside gets angry and starts shooting then when the police breach inside (because the hostage may have been killed) they get angry and start complaining in OOC.

Sometimes they try to breach in while negotiating due to the fact that they are distracted and catch them off by surprise. In both situations it's kinda hard not to hit the hostage considering that most people end up using the hostage as a meat shield.
The big problem most of the time is that people do not understand how the police works. Just because there is a C2 charge on your door, doesn't mean that we're going to breach in right away, it's there as a backup for the guy that you are currently holding at gunpoint.

Like, what the fuck did you expect? The police to come over to your door with some flowers and a box of chocolates asking to let the chap go?
To be honest, you shouldn't take a hostage unless you genuinely have a good reason to, such as it greatly increasing your chance of escape. It stalls RP to no end and kinda ruins a citizens RP as well.

Taking a hostage won't, on its own, mean you'll survive. It's just something people do to stall out the cops and it really is boring as fuck.
People do not seem to think before taking a hostage.
Me, as a corporal would rather give even 500k if it means the hostage will go out of it alive.

Sure, ask for money, food, supplies.
Dont be stupid though, its not a way out of jail, you better just hand yourself in and most likely, the punishment for the kidnapping wont apply.
My personal view on this is, they ALWAYS ask "let me free and the hostage is free" for example on Slums (see referenced image)

Standard Blue - Police Roadblocks/Cordons (made up of vehicles & barricades)
Dark Blue - SWAT (out of vehicle)
Red - Situation Building


So as you see there are 2 cordons/barricades, 1 on Gast Alley just after RC (so they cant go round) and one at Main Street, this is out of site to the apartment and also stops citizens from entering the scene this would require x2 officers on EACH cordon meaning 4 officers in total for this to stop escape but give the offender a false sense of security that he is Scot free and can run since there is no where to go.

The SWAT (outside, back of Slums ((in the alley of it))) They can wait until the suspect leaves the apartment, gets in his vehicle and "drives" off right into a cordon and they are in a PERFECT position to run out to either side of the cordons and gunpoint the suspect & his vehicle, this allows the hostage to be set free and the gunman in cuffs, HOWEVER being PERPheads there will obviously be a guy sat in the vehicle trying to get away forgetting to simulate real damage (as per)

Anyhow this is a perfect example of allowing the hostage taker that false sense of "freedom/security" and then losing it because he didn't think

SGT. Adder