Found PERPHeads somewhere around early May 2014, around the 4th according to GameTracker. I was looking for a server to play with a IRL friend who wanted to try RP. He sometimes stuck around a little and also showed me some guns he grabbed from a crime scene and had to help him with a confrontation with the police as a translator as his English was kind of terrible lmao.
Little did I know at the time that Jordan (then Swiper) was a Moderator. We used to come from the same community from around 2012 where he was Owner, Casual Bananas. The community died soon after JAC bought them (also known as Santos), this is also where ExclJailbreak comes from which went open source along with other game modes. There are videos of the Death Run server still around if you search for UberHaxorNova and Spoon since they made videos and also played there.
I stayed because, well, Swiper was here. I familiarized myself with the game mode as I also used to play a bit of HL2RP so I wasn't new to the concept of SeriousRP. I'm glad it wasn't as serious as HL2RP and had a lot more freedom in what you could do instead of having to do a /me for every single human interaction (and the lack of shoot2miss combat).
A bit more info if you're curious:
My first organisation I was part of is the Skinheadbande (no, we weren't Nazi's we just all had the bald dude player model with leather jacket which was really funny seeing a full gang of growing in Regals 4) so I met a lot of German people including German Mafia and Palono. After some time I got into PTP by getting kidnapped by Hung Chow and Kiain on the highway in back then my shitty Chrysler PT Cruiser which they pit maneuvered. I was something like a spy just giving them info on where they were basing as the org was getting pretty dead anyway and I would get known a bit more especially since I always used Mac-11's for defending bases.
Crazy how it has been 10 years now. I'm still in contact with a lot of the people I met.