how does job xp work

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does anyone know exactly how medic job xp works? how do you gain it and by how much per action?

also how much is 200xp really when you lose it by killing someone or the 250xp you lose by dying to a weapon?

also how does the influence gene affect xp gain exactly?
How much XP each action gives is not very well documented. Only the devs know the raw numbers of how much XP any action gives.

Reviving, healing & uploading DNA will grant XP.
CPR, CPR Reviving & firefighting will grant XP.

Influence gene affects XP gain a lot. In my experience as an Advanced Firefighter (4th rank in the FD) with 0 influence, a medium scale fire will only give me 2% xp, whereas Influence LV5 increases that gain from 2% to 4% at best. A large scale fire grants almost 6-7% with influence 5.

You can read further into genetics here:
Note that if you have have level 5 influence, then consume alcohol, you'll gain another level of influence, which will put you at level 6. I have not tested how much XP this would give as it's against the law to operate vehicles under the influence, especially as a government employee, so would be violating rule 4.1 in doing so.
I don't think alot needs to be appeneded as exnem covered most of it.

The only one that is missing is Removing bodies, which also gives you XP.

And important note is that if you die, kill someone or get arrested you get an XP Reduction. This is a extremely significant reduction aswell. We will leave out exact numbers for now.

Genes do indeed affect how much XP you get aswell as that premium players get quite a big buff to how much xp they make.