Org Update - Ideas & Suggestions

I would like to see an org unique clothes can be customized by the org leader can choose what ever symbols he want from the internet and stuff

Also would like to see a nice leaderboard in game including all orgs and ranks depends on their wins in wars and stuff can be nice feature like in the most mmorpgs
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I skipped all comments not sure if this has been said:

Perks can be a better relationship with the drug dealer maybe a small increase in profit when selling drugs

Many perks can be towards bank robbing, a delayed alarm a faster drill by 10%, or quite or does not break down often, and faster fixing the drill.
XP to be lost for dying to an org that you are not allied with or at war with, gaining XP with bank robberies higher pay more people survived = more XP

Probably loads more for me to think of but I'm off out.
I'm not quite sure how that should be implemented considering there are no exits and entries to the city except for the river which has an alpha wall behind the city bridge.
When it comes to the legality of orgs, it shouldn't always be illegal, players could create genuine orgs/corporates that would own business or lands, though their protection would be from the police force or a mercenary group, I really do see that giving the ability to truly build an org and own something would open many RP opportunities, imagine the meetings held between orgs to settle their disputes "Godfather" style, the trade-offs that would happen between orgs if each org would specialize in something, even politics would play a role as a council member would set laws that would either degrade or help an org because he may have been bribed from a rival org, in this scenario things will rather depend on those who got the brains and connections rather arms only, it would somehow, I believe, shift the gameplay from guns blazing to a more strategical/tactical gameplay.
Good luck transferring more then 100 weed at a time or whatever, limited unless you level up
Another idea that could work, level in tied to specific org members depending on how much XP they've earned, instead of orgs losing xp maybe if they don't play for a while they go to a 'out of city' state were the rewards/xp they've earned do not contribute until they play again


- DD buys drugs for x% more
- Time taken to craft weapons decreses
- Bank yield increases
- all org members do not have to pay 5k to rob the bank
- Lockpicking increases x amount
- Pistol, smg, rifle marksmanship increases x amount
- Increase drugs yield seeding
- increase drugs yield ready
- small discount on cars
- Discount on materials

Thats 10 lvls in whatever order

1 lvl = +1 perk for every org member.

Small amount of xp earned by-
Killing police
Killing rival org members
stealing cars
Selling drugs

Medium amount of xp earned by:
-releasing someone from a jail cell
-Picking someones drugs that are not in your org

Large amounts of xp earned for
-Bank Robberies

Would just like to say if developers put maximum effort into this update you could find
Megalolis - 15 players
Standish - 6-8 players
Olsen - 10 players
Israelis - 6-8 players
Jarheads - 5 players
murican org - 4 players
all start playing regularly that then makes rp situations for people that play as police meaning you then get 12-16 cops everyday and the server would easily reach 60 players again as long as this is done properly giving people enough of a reason to want to have org beef, lvl there org up
Have a slider bar in organisations like in Red Dead Redemption 2. One side being criminal and other business. Where say actions with their respected category of either being legal or illegal can change the entire organisations reputation.

Additionally, it could be cool to see possibly a feature where the organisation bank is involved. As when you sell drugs and items on shop a small percentage dependent on the org leaders choice could be deposited into the bank. Which as well could give incentive for org vs org where it could be made possible to steal money from other orgs bank accounts or make it like a stash feature? Where they have to search the chest in an property owned by opposition organisation to take $ x amount that's correlated with how many people of said org is online. Encourages basing with team and org wars.
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