How to make money Fast?

Roadcrew; just hang around bazaar and people with throw money at you for the most minimal shit. Even when they use the NPC at the shop you get $500.
Even better boot illegally parked cars and charge $500 to get it taken off.
Also a really fun job if you like annoying the fuck out of people.
Base out of Hungries-Schwein or Hicktown, farm hella weed while fishing and growing magic mushrooms. U can make rly good money
Base out of Hungries-Schwein or Hicktown, farm hella weed while fishing and growing magic mushrooms. U can make rly good money
Need the main man @Sorle to calculate this one. Is this more profitable than the power grow dry coca and grow weed 70k/h strat?
Need the main man @Sorle to calculate this one. Is this more profitable than the power grow dry coca and grow weed 70k/h strat?
sadly not, dont think i can see a world where buying and powerdrying leaves could be surpassed unless you're using 5+ people's rods
sadly not, dont think i can see a world where buying and powerdrying leaves could be surpassed unless you're using 5+ people's rods
The next best strat. Put 100k on the middle, left and right, until you win a side bet. Use a cheat sheet on the internet. Easy wins. This is proven as I have went from 3.2 mil to 82k in 10 minutes once.