Husky's appeal

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Reaction score
United Kingdom, Devon
Appealing for:


Appeal type:


Which staff member banned you:


How long were you banned for:

6 months.

Your Steam Name:

L1NK |

Your In-game Name:

James Husky

Your Steam ID:


Why were you banned/blacklisted:


Why should this appeal be considered:

First of all, I'd like to apologize to the people affected by my actions: I took a joke way too far & all I ended up doing was getting a cheap laugh at the expense of others. Upon reflection, I've come to understand the extent of the annoyance caused by my actions & realized how it simply wasn't worth it.

I would now like to extend this apology to @Dom_ as I also got him into trouble and any staff members who aided in the handling of this situation. Obviously, at the time of the incident, I didn't fully consider the consequences of my actions not only for the players affected but for the staff members handling. Being a staff member on another community myself, no one enjoys handling aids situations like these, especially when I did my best to loophole and dodge any accusations of what I actually did.

Was being an absolute minge overall, but I can comfortably say I'm past such behaviors now and if I am to be unbanned, I can guarantee that there's no repetition of similar actions.

I'd like to come back and work on the player count along with some friends, however, they wait for my return before doing so themselves.

Sorry if my apology is a bit brief, not really sure where to take it from here tbh, however, I'd just like to emphasize my apology a final time; my actions were irrational and disruptive, for which I'd like to apologize.

Additional Comment(s):

Not applicable.
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