I Guess I'm Sorry for Hacking?

Reaction score
La Cosa Nostra
So yeah, Me and @Agent Green decided to raid Glass Co, Fredy died early on and I had to 1v5 it, and yeah, being called a Hacker is something I enjoy lmfao, and btw guys, thanks for the free guns and good luck with the Action Request on me! <3

Don't forget to watch in 1080p.


-The Godfather

The way they sit there trying to get IC information via OOC and claim you're breaking the rules ahahah. Good job robin ;)

User will receive a permanent ban for admitting to hacking.
I thought you were confessing or something.

Ya just had to rub it in their faces with the Penta messages.
Haha the chat was so salty and cringey wtf
They die "oh it's a hacker" "aimbot" and so much fucking meta it's unreal
Nooo i also go around to Peoples who shot if i could in real life, when i respawn hello you have aimbot, turn it on and i will call an admin.
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I just wanna have a taste of the old perp look how cool the ak looks the blood when you kill a player the way a player dies the drugs it's just a classic perp
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