I Must Leave

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Hello Guys/Perpheads what ever i should call you but i suppose I don't need to call you anything any more. If your 15-16 your aware of the shit that's about to happen in your life that's what's happening in mine so unfortunately the same is happening in mine and perpheads is just taking revision away. As when I jump on the server I stay on for like 3 hours that 3 hours should of been some maths revision, however it wasn't. So I have decided its enough is enough. Therefore I will be leaving this community for at least 4 months. However I personal don't enjoy the server it self it feels like you got to grow to do anything and when I try and do something that isn't growing or as government I get banned so yeah... (not going on about that) however in 2015 I had some great memories and in 2016 I've changed for the worst which I regret a lot and would love to fix however at this moment in time that isn't possible. This is my goodbye as why would I play a game-mode or game for that matter I don't enjoy any more. One reason could be I just hit 2500 hours of Gary's Mod (RIP Life). I seen a lot in my 12 months of playing Perp. I remember @Chris being enforcer and when @Alabin, @The-Devils-Son where mods. Times have changed so much and are constantly changing some for the better some for the worst. I am now going to take the time and effort to thank people I believe have changed my experiment within Perp Itself, but before I do I wish every single one of you a good 2016 and who know's I might come back (not within 6 months) this is a Goodbye for now/forever.
@Mr Zan - I could write loads about you buddy, but by fair you were the best person I became friends with on Perp and you showed me so much and so many priceless times we have had. You are truly amazing never give up. I hope we still stay friends as you were on of the few I classed as a proper friend I could fully trust. Your a funny man and I think you have near enough done everything possible on perp, owned an org, became a minge, become a LT, grown shit tones and owned a couple of shops (RIP perp). Good luck with your final's as well.

@MrLewis / @Ash - You were the both awesome. @Ash I remember you when you a mod and we had a discussion and we came to a very fair agreement which I don't think I will ever forget; stay awesome. @MrLewis in the last 6 months you have came back to life I can't even remember you before that but you have made a massive impact on me and said some lovely things to me and helped me out loads I wish you the best of luck and if you carry on you deserver Senior.

@Frank - Oh god we go far back don't we from when I gave you mod and gave you the chance many few gave me, to now 2016 we meet in 2014 (beginning) it's been a long run and you have changed so much from the "kid" that ran around like a squeaker to an amazing role player with loads of potential.

@Blicky - "blacky" never change, plus I might just come on to steal your Bugatti again, scrub upgrade it. Any ways your an outstanding guy who can't shoot for shit <3. You can never leave the server and good luck with ICT.

@MattIsMadForCod - You are a friendly mod; very understanding at the same time. Plus the things you have said about me are just so thought full and mean a lot you have actually changed my mood some times when I feel down and angry and you just come in with a small quote and say something so calm and relaxed really means a lot. Good luck with getting admin again (deserve).

@Epithax RIP rule's list, your a funny guy blood hell. If I ever play darkRp you are my number one to play with be so funny, RIP ban in-coming. I hope your enjoying your new dodge ram, you never told me the colour ?

@DilanTheSkrub - I miss your van now that your gone again from perp. Miss trying to get it up the subs hill. I have one thing to say to you "David Peach Is Upon Us" - Cya man.

@Chrissy - Gave me a chance at being supervisor twice thanks a lot went so well RIP however I still know all my laws, carry on with the police part of the para lake, one of the best parts. however I know your leaving good luck.

@LordTyla - P.S So sorry i forgot you RIP eyes. Dude you have saved me from breaking rules so many times plus god I remember us setting up a checkpoint at top of subs hoping to find wanted people and breakers of law 6.2 that is a must again, hit me up if you want to.

@ItsAquaaHD - Hhahaha, scrub get a p1. jk your an amazing person always willing to help and have a good time, your my favourite guy to go cop with I will actually miss those days of being a cop and and you being an LT/SRG and us just recking people in raids and with laws; good old times maybe again, just maybe.

@MrAaron - your just a lad and I loved pissing you off just the best "PEACCCCCCCCHHHHHHH!" :) please send me a video of you screaming, otherwise I will jump on TS3 and never leave you alone. However when you were a mod and didn't fuck it up you were amazing, please for the server and players that play by the rules apply again.

@Agent Green - Your laugh makes me laugh. You were a great org "boss" you were funny and you always had something planned weather that would be killing me in a raid "oppps" or that be fuckin up a cocky person. Any ways keep truckin.

@Madda - you were calm and a nice person to be around willing to have a bit of banter now and then. Keep playing perp buddy hope you never change.

@Standish - Only really talked to you about 5 times since you left your admin position, but of my previous maybe you were always helpful. Good luck in the army I hope you the best of luck and you better not die; hopefully that's not the plan.

@Homer - I cant miss you, I remember asking you what is it like being LT you said I don't just became it. Soon after you became a great moderator. Goodbye

@LEWIS 088 - Your a strange person but awesome. Keep being a great moderator and keep being active. Unfortunately I never really got the chance to role play with, maybe one day.

@Fredy - never role played with you, however you answered my steam and my PM's on loads of occasions, however one memory stands out when you have me white-listing to dispatchers it was a lovely feeling, thanks a bunch. hope the server goes in the right direction.

P.S if I missed anyone please don't feel as if I don't care about you it's just this has taken me about 1 hour to do on a Friday night. I would also like to mention some other reasons I am leaving. One of the other reasons I have decided to quit is I am telling my friends I am busy when I aint I just wanted to play perp which has to change as friends should always come first over games otherwise something is wrong. I will go in a little bit of detail. Back in July a friend of mine became Ill I was with her side all the time however some nights I said I was busy but I was only busy with perp (before she was ill) however she ended up dying at a young age of 15 just turned 15. This carried on after her death however I took a break over summer as mentioned in early post- https://perpheads.com/threads/look-whos-back-back-back-again.10827/ . My final reason to leave is friends are leaving every day and the community has changed so much and so many of the people I like have become in-active therefore I just don't enjoy it as much as I once did.
GoodBye PerpHeads it's been an amazing experience I won't forget it, I wish you all have a great life; Goodbye.
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GamingPeach, you've always had a strong ability to be:

...but in all, you're fun to play with and a good guy. Good luck with whatever you do next.
Grinds my gears that I don't get a mention but you're a really good copper in game, good luck with your revision and all that.
Later fam

Just don't do a @MrAaron and fail all your GCSEs. However, good luck and get the best possible you can so that you can actually go to college if you decide to do AS/A Levels and don't get restricted on what you can do. Thanks for the nice words, i'm not upgrading my Bugatti though as cba.
Good luck with your exams, you'll do fine in them.

I'll save some popcorn for when you return.
Thanks for the kind words Peach! I loved roleplaying and messing around with you.
Hopefully, you'll be back after your GCSE's and I am looking forward to see you in June!
Damn dude, can't believe you're leaving....

Anyways, you've been a really good friend and we've had loads of funny memories bud, see you soon :(
Peach, honestly I got so sad when I saw this. Thanks a lot for making me feel like home when I joined this server, and oh boy you are such an amazing person. I hope you good luck in your GSCEs and please do come back or stay in contact. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't stay here, or actually know what GTARP even is haha <3

See ya bro, Good luck!
Our last few days together were funny as fuck mate.

Still can't get over how we raided glass co and that nerd ran in without a gun.
ez win, for you, not for me, I got killed by a beretta.

love u. (^:
GCSE's, fucking hell, they're a pain in the ass.

Just done my mock exam, got an A in Maths surprisingly considering in my Year 10 exam I got a C-. Anyways, thanks for the mention David, you got me on steam if you want to chat or whatever.

Good luck with your exams peach. Looking forward to seeing you back.
Just lay off my m82