Well this is it everybody, I ain’t coming back, or maybe I will if we get it together.
Still trying to think to myself about what killed it for me, the PD Whitelist or Olsen and its negative impact it left on the server.
But this was the last straw, no more simple and easy to use system so we can cater towards our veterans once again. All these over-engineered systems are strangling the server, no nourishment from fresh new players. Don’t believe me? Look in the server, you BARELY see sweatervests let alone their infamous red mini coopers. They are getting turned off by over-complicated systems like the PD Whitelist, Marksmanship, and recently the new growing system. PERP was special back in 2015, it was simple yet effective, easy and fun to get into and do. Yet, the ugly new player models back in the V4 update still have bugs to this day. My arms still look like a starving Ugandan. I can’t see my suit. Heck, the face animation bug is still here.
Now, the PD Whitelist and why it was a failure.
The Police Force is once again what it once was, a laughing stock of bullet magnets. To think, that was the very reason we decided to put this abomination of a system on the server, to get rid of the shitty sweatercops who “ruined” the server because of the endless fucking shitposts about them. While they were not perfect back then and got so much shit splattered in their face, they could still get their fucking job done. I’ll even say they did it better sometimes than the Whitelisted PD.
I knew something had to be done about the sweatercops, but not full on blacklisting them from the job for god’s sake. This whole thing could have seriously been solved with a more complicated entry quiz, but we had to over-engineer the whole thing. I get a damn headache whenever I see the PLPD webpage, all those divisions and ranks, is it all fucking necessary? Why do we need a Traffic division if the standard LEO does the same thing? Why is sergeant a rank that needs an application? Why is TFU a thing if everyone does nothing but bitch about it? Everyone is always complaining about how TFU is OP, yet it just made the PD a fucking bullet magnet again, speaking of which, why is it so unnecessarily complicated to be, let alone become a TFU? Only about two people at a time have the TFU whitelist. With SWAT, at least you would be guaranteed to have 4-6 heavily armed men on standby always, just give em a call and they would be there within a minute. With TFU they have to go back to the damn PD to rearm, even when they come back, the rest of the units that don’t have TFU are dead. Everyone thought the “new and improved” PD would be a giant un-defeatable power, but a far worse force took that reward. The PD meanwhile, went back to what it was, a laughing stock that fuels edgy rap-filled frag movies. This is exactly why the server is having a decline of players, we wantedto turn the server into glorified HL2RP minus the neckbearded ERPer who screeches at you for shooting him. But all it did was harm us, we turned the PD into unfun robots that are held at metaphorical gunpoint by salt induced IA complaints.
Now I get to my second point, Olsen and its negative legacy on the server.
I always disagreed with Marksmanship being added to the server. The random nature of recoil, bullet spread, and uniform stats made shooting each other more enjoyable for everyone and made gunfights fair and balanced. The only thing that negated this was your aim, and sometimes what gun you were using. Sadly we had to cater to our veterans and added Marksmanship. Whilst on regular vanilla PERP, even though there was marksmanship, it took only maybe a day or two or get it to max (8/8). PERPHeads made it so you required perhaps months of grinding for you to absolutely stomp on people with lesser marksmanship. Semi-Auto shotguns for example, are virtually recoilless at level 100, yet only the super rich have that luxury of being able to afford all that shotgun ammo. Don't even get me started on how the M4A1 was completley broken with high marksmanship until a recent update... It didn’t take long for the system to eventually get taken advantage of.
With the “Good Guy” ego that Feng adopted, he would turn the forums and server into an Orwellian Dystopia with himself taking the role of Big Brother and his brainless droogs and staff taking the role of the Thought Police. He had effectively taken over the entire server, you were either with him, or not with him. Those who were not with him got shit on really bad. Had you spoken about Big Brother Feng, you would’ve been put under a hailstorm of dumb ratings and a rather clever roast by Big Brother. Everyone sucked Big Brother’s fat c*** on the forums, in the hopes they would join Olsen Banden or gain favor and not get cucked every second. You had almost no choice, make money as a crook and you would die in a raid, make money as a Cop you would die in a raid. They then created a vicious cycle with their presence on the server.
God forbid, even when player numbers tanked due to Feng, he pulled the “I’m helping the server!” bullshit. Guess what? We believed him, not to mention he came far too close to become a staff member.... deughhh it still haunts me. Big Brother Feng at this rate became a full blown Megalomaniac, he was invincible, the staff we’re biased towards him, hoping to not have the same fate as Corolla in the worries Feng wouldn’t point his fat finger towards them in a salt induced staff-complaint (that somehow winds up successful). He would spew toxicity all over the forums and have no worries of retaliation, he was invincible with his staff suckoffs on him to protect him from criticism. Then the best thing to happen to the server… happened. He and all his damn goons got overthrown in the Olsen Purge. But sadly, the damage had already been done. Every org and person was shut down, left, or banned.
The damage caused by Olsen still lasts to this day. The act of basing is suicidal unless you have at least 5 people ready to fight, which sadly most people don’t have the luxury of. The server population completely dwindled at that point, had a little rebound due to returning vets like me, then backed down again after we realized that the damage had already been done even after the Olsen Purge.
So PERPHeads, this is where I go off. I’d rather leave the server early than experience the very close downfall it will have. It’s been a pleasure, played since 2014 and it disgusts where the server went. I’ll miss it when I’m in college in a couple months.
May as well tag some people.
@Aquaa Best friend on the server, we'll make a UGC Steel team together some day.
@Bean Can Liked killing you in a random way, shame you had to leave
@ChewKokLong420 Funny guy, had fun in PTP
@D3V Remember when 90% of the server was in the C+ base growing? It was awesome, also the next generation C+ was great too.
@EVIL Unban his forum account, seriously... Feng brainwashed us into believing he was the antichrist. Loved my time in Belinsky and Quality Street. Maybe some day you'll return and we can bring back the legendary family.
@WolfyLuxion Wanted you to be my ingame wife
Good singer too, still wondering if she was gay.
@Stomper First friend on the server and he helped me get through as a sweatervest.
@NamesInsane Photobombed my memorable raid on the Kittens during their war with C+, #UnbanNamesInsame
@Garo.k Took me under his wing and let me into Armenians where I powergrowed to become a millionaire. I've been indebted to you ever since, thank you.
@Andoyan Same as Garo.
@MrAaron Was in a lot of orgs with him, grew a good bond with him. Had a lot of fun with you.
@Bolli You were the bravest (and dumbest) sap I knew to be the only major org to stand up to Big Brother, you guys were like the Brotherhood of Feng's dystopia.
@Fredy Your McDonalds is on me next time.
@Creepis Cool guy, been with him since 2015, you can join me and @Aquaa UGC Steel Team.
@Eviction Notice wtf why do u minge on hl2rp i will kel u irl and ddos your mom xdddddd
@Venomine Cool dude, hung out with him and stomper.
Thanks for the amazing memories PH,
Gino Luchiczi signing off.
Still trying to think to myself about what killed it for me, the PD Whitelist or Olsen and its negative impact it left on the server.
But this was the last straw, no more simple and easy to use system so we can cater towards our veterans once again. All these over-engineered systems are strangling the server, no nourishment from fresh new players. Don’t believe me? Look in the server, you BARELY see sweatervests let alone their infamous red mini coopers. They are getting turned off by over-complicated systems like the PD Whitelist, Marksmanship, and recently the new growing system. PERP was special back in 2015, it was simple yet effective, easy and fun to get into and do. Yet, the ugly new player models back in the V4 update still have bugs to this day. My arms still look like a starving Ugandan. I can’t see my suit. Heck, the face animation bug is still here.
Now, the PD Whitelist and why it was a failure.
The Police Force is once again what it once was, a laughing stock of bullet magnets. To think, that was the very reason we decided to put this abomination of a system on the server, to get rid of the shitty sweatercops who “ruined” the server because of the endless fucking shitposts about them. While they were not perfect back then and got so much shit splattered in their face, they could still get their fucking job done. I’ll even say they did it better sometimes than the Whitelisted PD.
I knew something had to be done about the sweatercops, but not full on blacklisting them from the job for god’s sake. This whole thing could have seriously been solved with a more complicated entry quiz, but we had to over-engineer the whole thing. I get a damn headache whenever I see the PLPD webpage, all those divisions and ranks, is it all fucking necessary? Why do we need a Traffic division if the standard LEO does the same thing? Why is sergeant a rank that needs an application? Why is TFU a thing if everyone does nothing but bitch about it? Everyone is always complaining about how TFU is OP, yet it just made the PD a fucking bullet magnet again, speaking of which, why is it so unnecessarily complicated to be, let alone become a TFU? Only about two people at a time have the TFU whitelist. With SWAT, at least you would be guaranteed to have 4-6 heavily armed men on standby always, just give em a call and they would be there within a minute. With TFU they have to go back to the damn PD to rearm, even when they come back, the rest of the units that don’t have TFU are dead. Everyone thought the “new and improved” PD would be a giant un-defeatable power, but a far worse force took that reward. The PD meanwhile, went back to what it was, a laughing stock that fuels edgy rap-filled frag movies. This is exactly why the server is having a decline of players, we wantedto turn the server into glorified HL2RP minus the neckbearded ERPer who screeches at you for shooting him. But all it did was harm us, we turned the PD into unfun robots that are held at metaphorical gunpoint by salt induced IA complaints.
Now I get to my second point, Olsen and its negative legacy on the server.
I always disagreed with Marksmanship being added to the server. The random nature of recoil, bullet spread, and uniform stats made shooting each other more enjoyable for everyone and made gunfights fair and balanced. The only thing that negated this was your aim, and sometimes what gun you were using. Sadly we had to cater to our veterans and added Marksmanship. Whilst on regular vanilla PERP, even though there was marksmanship, it took only maybe a day or two or get it to max (8/8). PERPHeads made it so you required perhaps months of grinding for you to absolutely stomp on people with lesser marksmanship. Semi-Auto shotguns for example, are virtually recoilless at level 100, yet only the super rich have that luxury of being able to afford all that shotgun ammo. Don't even get me started on how the M4A1 was completley broken with high marksmanship until a recent update... It didn’t take long for the system to eventually get taken advantage of.
With the “Good Guy” ego that Feng adopted, he would turn the forums and server into an Orwellian Dystopia with himself taking the role of Big Brother and his brainless droogs and staff taking the role of the Thought Police. He had effectively taken over the entire server, you were either with him, or not with him. Those who were not with him got shit on really bad. Had you spoken about Big Brother Feng, you would’ve been put under a hailstorm of dumb ratings and a rather clever roast by Big Brother. Everyone sucked Big Brother’s fat c*** on the forums, in the hopes they would join Olsen Banden or gain favor and not get cucked every second. You had almost no choice, make money as a crook and you would die in a raid, make money as a Cop you would die in a raid. They then created a vicious cycle with their presence on the server.
God forbid, even when player numbers tanked due to Feng, he pulled the “I’m helping the server!” bullshit. Guess what? We believed him, not to mention he came far too close to become a staff member.... deughhh it still haunts me. Big Brother Feng at this rate became a full blown Megalomaniac, he was invincible, the staff we’re biased towards him, hoping to not have the same fate as Corolla in the worries Feng wouldn’t point his fat finger towards them in a salt induced staff-complaint (that somehow winds up successful). He would spew toxicity all over the forums and have no worries of retaliation, he was invincible with his staff suckoffs on him to protect him from criticism. Then the best thing to happen to the server… happened. He and all his damn goons got overthrown in the Olsen Purge. But sadly, the damage had already been done. Every org and person was shut down, left, or banned.
The damage caused by Olsen still lasts to this day. The act of basing is suicidal unless you have at least 5 people ready to fight, which sadly most people don’t have the luxury of. The server population completely dwindled at that point, had a little rebound due to returning vets like me, then backed down again after we realized that the damage had already been done even after the Olsen Purge.
So PERPHeads, this is where I go off. I’d rather leave the server early than experience the very close downfall it will have. It’s been a pleasure, played since 2014 and it disgusts where the server went. I’ll miss it when I’m in college in a couple months.
May as well tag some people.
@Aquaa Best friend on the server, we'll make a UGC Steel team together some day.
@Bean Can Liked killing you in a random way, shame you had to leave

@ChewKokLong420 Funny guy, had fun in PTP
@D3V Remember when 90% of the server was in the C+ base growing? It was awesome, also the next generation C+ was great too.
@EVIL Unban his forum account, seriously... Feng brainwashed us into believing he was the antichrist. Loved my time in Belinsky and Quality Street. Maybe some day you'll return and we can bring back the legendary family.
@WolfyLuxion Wanted you to be my ingame wife

@Stomper First friend on the server and he helped me get through as a sweatervest.
@NamesInsane Photobombed my memorable raid on the Kittens during their war with C+, #UnbanNamesInsame
@Garo.k Took me under his wing and let me into Armenians where I powergrowed to become a millionaire. I've been indebted to you ever since, thank you.
@Andoyan Same as Garo.
@MrAaron Was in a lot of orgs with him, grew a good bond with him. Had a lot of fun with you.
@Bolli You were the bravest (and dumbest) sap I knew to be the only major org to stand up to Big Brother, you guys were like the Brotherhood of Feng's dystopia.
@Fredy Your McDonalds is on me next time.
@Creepis Cool guy, been with him since 2015, you can join me and @Aquaa UGC Steel Team.
@Eviction Notice wtf why do u minge on hl2rp i will kel u irl and ddos your mom xdddddd
@Venomine Cool dude, hung out with him and stomper.
Thanks for the amazing memories PH,
Gino Luchiczi signing off.