Me (the 8th from left) and the other staff members of S.Stefano Summer Camp
What did I do this summerThis summer I had a lot of work to do (since i need money to take a car license exam) so there wasn't, for me, much time that I could spend in fun, playing videogames... and this is why you didn't see me a lot online on the server. But during this summer I didn't only work: for about 10 days i was part of a voluntary staff team to administrate a catholic summer camp as educator/animator for children (from 10 to 14 years old).
Santo Stefano (S.Stephen)
I can already imagine you are thinking "a catholic camp? why would someone spend such a boring summer?", but this camp isn't what you are thinking about: of course there's a pray-time everyday in the morning after breakfast, and in the evening after dinner and some others religious things, but the great thing of this camp is that the main administrator of this camp was a hard fan of fantasy stories and roleplay games (such as D&D) when he was younger, so he introduced to this camp a big roleplay game during all the time of the camp where there are 5 teams, who walking around the nearby forest must talk with the characters of the game played by the staff to find out what's their daily quest which they will have to complete following the theme of the day (every day has a theme which refers to the main theme of the camp, usually taken from pope's youth-day's speech).
The Big Game
Now I could talk about this roleplay game called "Il Grande Gioco" (it means "The Big Game" In Italian) for hours, but what I mean to underline is how hard it's to administrate it.
As you can see from the photo we were 11 (+4 who couldn't stay until the end of the camp) indeed in this Big Game there isn't just a main quest, but many other secondary quests that the teams can complete to gain more money or a better reputation, 2 teams can also start battles against each other that results many time in a crazy confusion between warriors that shoot water (the weapons aren't real axes swords and staffs, but waterguns more or less powerful depending on the weapon stats) on everyone, mages that cast spells and explorers who screams their scrolls.
Behind the fun
Just like in every roleplay game there are many rules, most of them are very similar to the ones we have in this server, for example you should never call a character with his real name, but you can only use the information you can read on his badge (race and job, the name is also written on the badge but you have to ask it before you can use it).
There isn't only a rule book, the staff also have a script to follow, where are written the information every character should give when they are asked, this script is very important but it isn't meant to be our only law, indeed every actor should play his character the way they like most, letting us look as real as possible, serious when is asked and also funny to make the game more interesting.
This was my summer, I hope you guys passed a nice summer too, now It's time for me to go back to school, hopefully I'll be much more active on the server.
Also thanks to everyone for reading, I hope this will also give me a better chance to prove you how much can I handle the position in this staff team.