I need a new pair of headphones

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So basically, ever since Christmas I've been using a pair of beats solos as my headphones when I do the regular on my PC and they've literally gone through hell and back. I'm looking for a new pair of headphones at the max price range of £200 and I don't need any built in mic of any sort and I just want comfy and nice sounding ones.


I need headphones which are comfy and have great sound at the price range of £200

Thank you to those for reading and to those who leave suggestions!
Since you've used Beats Solos in the past, I'm guessing you're looking for a pair of portable headphones.

I suggest getting a pair of B&O H6. I've listened to a pair (only in B&O shops, mind) and they're really nice for just going about. They've got some nice, detailed bass, and they look damn good in my opinion.

Here's a link: https://www.amazon.co.uk/PLAY-Bang-...dpPl=1&dpID=41Ss+YGTm1L&ref=plSrch&th=1&psc=1

If those don't sound like your cup of tea, then have a look at the "fashion can" table of this list:

Zeos is a headphone reviewer I always trust. He has about 20 minute reviews for every headphone on the list, and every time I've bought something recommended by him, it's been amazing.