I need serious help on Elite Dangerous

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So, I am doing the tutorial on how to dock and travel okay, I have made it to the star system but I have no clue how to land on this city going around this planet, nor can I slow down enough to be able to land on it. If anyone has played this please help me.

My dumbass legit can't get past the second tutorial mission
dud dud dud this dogshit game WONT allow me to fucking dock dud *slams desk and exits game*
If you mean the big object thing floating around, you need to find the entrance. You just gotta look around and you'll see it.
No, I was having trouble getting to the object, I would just fly past it and couldn’t slow down. I have figured it out now, all good
There's an option in settings that says "Speed 75%" and you put it on a hotkey. Just press it when you're 7 seconds from the destination. This entire game is a big learning curve so good fucking luck. I'm gonna play it with my VR.