I think it's time.

Reaction score
Well, this is it. I've been thinking about leaving for a while but this was the last drop into my glass. All I've worked on in perp for the last half a year has been destroyed in a single minute.

I've been demoted. I always felt that I was bad when it came to policing, I've noticed that because I've been corporal for half a year and only kept getting complaints.

Anyways, that's not the main thing. The main would probably be the fact that I don't want to play perp anymore. I don't find anything interesting in it anymore. A few years back it was full of interesting rp situations, creative members and lots of good stuff. Now we have powergrowing, trolling and police complaints.

I don't like the fact that 60% of my time on perp I spend lying unconscious, 20% writing defendant statements on useless complaints and 19% dealing with trolls and baiters. Only that 1% was giving me, for some time, motivation to keep playing. Now I don't see any reason to continue.

Here are some nice lads:
@Appricey @LordTyla @DeltaForce @SleepyMode @MangoJuice @NeluDaHunter

Bye guys.
I'll probably not come back in a week idk
The reason you're getting complaints is because you're not a great corporal. Its like the whole situation with me from last summer when you got suspended. Don't gives us the 'no more rp situations' bs. It's your fault you didnt stick to policy and thats the reason you got suspended all those times and it was only a matter of time untill you got demoted. You're a fun guy ermak and I respect that bro. We had awsome moments when you flew away from my coffee shop at bazzar and made a vid about it lol. Good luck man :)

R.I.P. Ex-Navy Seal Ermak
You leaving because you got demoted as a cop.. lol man after the whitelist I couldn't even fucking join the police force
Anyway cya man at least puffer market doors will be able to close now properly.
You can say I'm shit and all but remember-i tried. I'm 11 years old. It's hard for me to deal with all the negativity because all people want is to get me punished, not to make me better. I've had probably only 2 persons that have actually given me advice. It's also very sad that after I've been hit hard enough, you want to finish me off by hitting me even more. I take everything said to me seriously.
You can say I'm shit and all but remember-i tried. I'm 11 years old. It's hard for me to deal with all the negativity because all people want is to get me punished, not to make me better. I've had probably only 2 persons that have actually given me advice. It's also very sad that after I've been hit hard enough, you want to finish me off by hitting me even more. I take everything said to me seriously.
Yes you're a 11 years old, if you can't take being critisized online turn off your pc and never turn it on again. You are a nice guy but this goodbye post is stupid, don't be passive agressive and maybe people will take you seriously. How can you compare being called a shit cop on a video game to being hit???? like just wtf.

I'm sure you do try your hardest as cop but if you aren't fit to have that role then find something else to do. It will save you from getting in a pickle when you get demoted.
Instead of just shitting on other people and deflecting the blame perhaps you should take a look in the mirror and find out what's really wrong.
If complaints got accepted that means there must be some truth to them???????
But what do I know?
You can say I'm shit and all but remember-i tried. I'm 11 years old. It's hard for me to deal with all the negativity because all people want is to get me punished, not to make me better. I've had probably only 2 persons that have actually given me advice. It's also very sad that after I've been hit hard enough, you want to finish me off by hitting me even more. I take everything said to me seriously.
Ermak, you forced me to do this now. So here's a piece of my fucking mind for you buddy:
Remember when I supported you when you bitched out of the server because Garett suspended you? Yeah, lets just forget the fact that I did that and blame it on me and the people who are giving you constructive advice. And dont even start with the age excuse because its shit. If you are 11 and think that you are too young to handle the reaponsibility of being a corporal, DONT APPLY FOR COP. I think that you need to stop the BS. We are giving you our opinions which we should have given you before. The thing is with you ermak, that You just ignore the advice we give you and say that we are being dicks when its the opposite. And if I told you this IC, you would just pretend that we said nothing and would continue to roleplay being an ex- navy seal member. Bye then.f you cant handle us being honest to you, then fine.
Christ when did this thread turn into the Ermak Roast?

Tone it down a bit guys.

Bye Ermak, thanks for your contributions to the community. See you soon.
You deserve a pat on the back for all the effort you have put into the community. You give off the impression that you are a happy pleb with a cheerful personality. It's bitter to see that people take advantage of the thread to post their bad experiences.

I hope that you change your mind about leaving the community.

You're a talented dude, Ermak, don't let anyone tell you that you're not. I don't know many 11-year-olds who could pull off the rank of Corporal on a realistic roleplay server - do you? You were accepted into the PLPD for a reason, and that reason is that you passed an exam which everyone else took. They passed you because you are an individual that they think that is involved in roleplay and has good knowledge of the laws. You have a great personality, always brightening the gloom on the server and by leaving you are letting the people who make fun of you win. I really hope that you can come back to the community, I might just end up leaving if our good ol' Ermak leaves. :)
I'm sorry but when I was 11 years old i was the most immature person (still am)I find it amazing that he has come this far from all of his hard work.

Please don't leave because of a setback you can earn your rank again.

Hope to see you again.
Welp, I didn't expect anyone to support me.

I have to admit, I have some fatal flaws and two of them are rapidly making descisions without thinking them out then changing my mind, and not learning from my mistakes.

If you think I'm a shit cop please PM me with feedback and advice on how to get better. I remember my reason to apply for SO: to prove that a kid can make a good supervisor. I decided I shall not give up and fight, I will take a break for a week to take your advice and refresh, and I hope I come back better.
What? your 11 and not banned? when i was 11 i was perma banned :d
anyway, you were an OK guy, funny and like speedy said, now our doors will closed and we wont get raided.
i would make a "see you in one week" joke but im banned for 3 months so ill see u in 3 months instead :d

ill probs take time off even when i am unbanned :/

Ignore it all, it was faster than i thought, its not 1 week, its 1 hour ;d
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Dear @ErmakDimon,

I am glad you stay with us because it's always a shame to see a member of the PLPD leave. If you have any questions about performing your duties as an LEO feel free to contact me. For more information about the Police Department, in general, make sure the view the Police Handbook.
What I do like to mention is the fact that it's not the end of the world if when you are being demoted. I can understand it will be frustrating for you, but in the meantime: View how experienced officers are dealing with situations, and make sure you know the laws and most of all try to improve yourself.
I am sure you will climb back up the ladder one day.

If there is any other way for me to assist you, please let me know.

Kind regards,

Police Training Officer
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Personally I dont like seeing members of the community leaving due to something bad happening or them loosing something. I dont like them leaving at all but if they do leave I prefer them to leave because they are bored. That was they have given everything they have got. Your a really great guy Ermak dont let people take you down. When I was your age I used to get lots of shit and I would take it all in but now that im more mature and almost 16 I realise that how pathetic I was so what im saying is that if people disagree with you or dont like you, fuck em just focus on the good things in life and dont let others drag you down. I was demoted from SGT to Senior Officer and I know how it feels working hard in the PD and then for it to be flushed away but if it happens then it happens. I hope to see you come back to the server someday but take care of yourself and be strong. :)
Ermak, a great person who is fighting an allmost everyday issue. I mean come on he's a great guy sure he screwed up on his, everyone does that fx. @Moti From The Schuna & I shot a sergeant which as a result the IA, and PSD throwed the book at us. That meant either attend, or get your ass thrown out of the PD. In the end you will have 2 options 1 Reapply for police and get new advanced training or 2 quit policing. Don't miss jugde me but everyone makes mistakes, and no one is more special than otheres because that would be diskrimination :)
You constantly showed high standards of roleplay, and tried to the best of your ability to continue a exceptional roleplaying standard.
I've always had great experiences with you Ermak and don't let anyone put you down for what you do, you did a great job and 100% deserved your rank. I really hope you come back and reconsider leaving the community.
Also what @Brinch said I completely agree with.
See you around mate and best of luck with anything you want to do in future!
How you even got demoted? I'm way worse officer than you and I'm still a corporal (I think). I have never seen any negative action from you.