I think its time.

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North East England (UK)

For those who don't know me my IC name is John Cale and I joined the community back in late 2015. I think I have done a pretty good job managing to maintain basic functions while playing on this server and I think 2 years is where I'm willing to end it. I will be brain dead if I play for another year I tell you that. There isn't really anything left for me here and I have done everything I am able to. I tried 3 times to get into the staff team, All of which were rejected for their own individual reasons. I tried a command position in the PLPD, Of course, it got rejected for its own reason. I have given all the effort I am willing to and deserve. I have met a lot of people in the community, Some of which I have underestimated, judged, or been a bit mean to at times of downfalls. Others changed for the good, Others for the worse. Some were friendly but then became nasty.

I know perp can be a struggle to cope with, And so can the community however everyone has their limits to how much they are willing to take in and give out and unfortunately for some and fortunately for many mine ends here. This is not a "bad day" post. I have been thinking about this for the past week and you can count on it that it will stick. I stuck to my last inactivity post so you can expect no more than me to stick to this one. It has been a fun and ugly ride with good and bad moments but I write my last page here. I will be resigning from the PD by my own choice once there are no active complaints on me. And so with the community. I have too much to focus on IRL atm and there is no more room for perp. Of course, leaving the community will have its ups and downs like I will miss many people and some I might stay in contact with however there are some which I want to stay clear from. Yes, perp and the community has changed but for me it is no longer in my liking and so instead of going through the horrors of dealing with it which I honestly have more important things to invest my time on I think its best if I leave it all together.

I will be selling my car and giving it to my good friend and addict @Photon as he has been begging me too for the past few months lmao. And from the rest of the money from my other cars, I will be giving some to close friends who I trust and know will stay the same when I'm gone. And I will be giving the rest to sweaters who need it most and who are determined to get that McLaren P1. (God help them). And my storage will be sort of equally divided between friends and those who need it most. I will choose who this goes to so save the riot pls lol. Yes some of you might think of me as a salty boy who rages in OOC everytime something doesn't go his was (which is true as embarrassing as it is) and maybe others might see me as this funny lad who can barely aim to save his life lol. But no matter how you viewed me, I just want to say I am sorry if I mistreated you, was mean to you or judged you in any way because that is wrong and should never be done by anyone. Yes, I know this is taking far too long and is extremely cringy but honestly means a lot. I just want to say thank you to all of PH and all my mates who already left. (Looks like I grew a brain too)
A few honorable mentions.
@Photon You going to be loaded my boi
@Creepis Funny af and extremely fun. Stop playing TF2 u nerd.
@Niko You would make a great Disney character <3
@Mystic What an absolute legend. Will never forget that awkward banter lol. Your still bad at driving tho. <3
@TinySlayer You were always a pain to get 0% sales tax lol. Absolute star, Got staff within a few weeks of joining the community and admin within a couple days. Slow down boy.
@Husky Although you have changed, Your still alright lad. <3
@2SPO0KY4U Your gift card giveaways are shit.
@GrimReaper Only one who rekt Olsen through a wall in one mag. (Totally legit tho)
@Slayerduck You need to stay away from children. And calm down with you sex rp. That shit still gives me nightmares.
@ShadowJoey A great lad. Very canny. I see no reason for shit to come your way.
@John Daymon I expect you to be Senior Admin if I ever come back for a peak <3
@MrLewis You're putting far too much effort into the staff team mate. Go on holiday. (Daymon your up) Great job with it though, Seriously
@MrAaron Such a fuckin lad.
@Rogue Matiz Tyres Weirdo who likes cats. JK I love you man. You're weird but funny.
@Super_ One of the friendliest members of the community. I don't see why there should be any closed doors for you mate. <3
(@LordTyla @Haza564) Meme brothers. Keep posting weird pictures in the shoutbox. It's cute. <3
@Madda One of my favorite staff members. Let me know if you want more 'The Forest' rp :)
@Sagittarius One of the funniest and friendliest lads in the community. You're also a huge meme lol.
@Harris Such a lad. I will never forget when you confiscated my first M82. :mad:
(@Draco @Sam Arnolds @Dylan Larsen) One of the first people I based with back in 2015. I still have the video of us being raided back then. It was aids.
@Kitty @Standish Thanks for inviting me into Standish back in 2016. Was my first big org and was my favorite. I wish it lasted longer <3
@GraveDinosaur One of the best staff members there are and ever will be. I still remember you giving my friend that one last chance all the way back in early 2016. I still respect that and thank you and I probably would have gotten banned long ago if you didnt do that. You are loved a lot and by many people in the community. Good on ya mate. :)
There are soo many more people I could tag but for the forums sakes, I will leave it there. I am so sorry if I missed you out but that doesn't mean I forgot about you.
Thank you all for making my time here as fluid and nice as possible. I might pop on now and then to see how perp has changed but until then I will have to say goodbye which I'm sure for some might be upsetting and for others, it might be an early birthday present but goodbye to all! P.S My mate @2SPO0KY4U for is giving away a couple million. However, it's up to him who he gives it to.
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PH has successfully made another man walk the plank.

Be free now my boy

hey my name is Aquaa btw.

A good decision you've made: Leaving PERP to focus on IRL matters
A bad decision you've made: Giving the fucking shekel goblin @Photon money from selling your car.

You were always a really nice and chill dude, please stay in touch.
Shame to see you go John. It seems like perp is getting a new generation of players and I don't like the fact that all veterans are going.
You were a great guy and after thorough discussion with the president of America, Donald Trump, I present you with the title of Honorary American, due to your very apparent love of our culture.
keep ur items dude you will come back like everyone else

I have left about five times, sold/gave away everything I had each time. Looking back, I really regret it.

Keep your stuff mate

edit: I would probably have a good 15mil worth of cars and stuff, but now I'm stuck with barely anything.
For fuck sake ... if only you were more active you could have won the most salty award instead of @Husky

See you in a week or two.
i'll miss you codez
i will never forget how many times i kiled you as a police officer
I would rather hammer blunt, cast iron nails into my balls than never have to hear your booming voice down the police radio again.

Good luck with IRL lad.
ayy you're finally gone thank god
love you
please dont take this seriously