I'm going to leave for a while [Taking a break]

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Well. I'l just get right to it

Ever since i joined the server, and gotten to know the rules i have enjoyed the server.
Got a few warnings from things i didn't know wasn't allowed, attempted to avoid being banned/warned by reading the rules etc. I also loved the staff at that point, they were fair when it came to decisions and punishments

But from time to time, at points where i have done /report and quickly typed something because the person is either putting me into jail or about to leave the area. Nobody really responded in time (I'm not expecting someone to respond immediately after i make my report) It's opposite. At points where a staff member isn't required that fast, they respond quite fast. Back to where i make reports i really need a staff member to respond a little fast. Never respond except around 20-30 mins after giving enough time for the person to be innocent

And then asks to make a ban request etc, and
i'm horrible at that. I have problems just finding the correct demo, and i have very little time to do so. I know where it is located but identifying it is the problem

Just today:

was pulled over for being suspicious
my friend in passenger seat gets out and draws a gun, starts shooting and gets shot unconcious
LT charged me with "
Aiding a criminal" once i got out of my car, i was basically innocent.
Was escorted to the police station

Abuse of police powers (drag script) when complying
Asked for an interrogation and to speak with the lieutenant, simple reply: "no, lieutenant gave me orders to put you in for five years"
Made a report
Was jailed
Got a ticket in
Car was impounded without me being able to do anything

around 15 minutes later no one responded at all when i actually needed someone to respond a little quick, around 1-5 Mins
Lost a Beretta full mag.
Couldn't afford loosing that Beretta [Was poor
. Causing me to get pissed, basically taking control of my actions. Jump off a ledge in front of Swiper because i lost a weapon i couldn't afford loosing and the rest of things that happened above]
Realized what i just did and got myself into more trouble

As far as i know a staff member, when he doesen't respond in time to a situation when its still happening. When it's over they ask me to upload a ban request. Which i suck at making.

Basically i suck at most things which have with ban/refund requests to do
Was tired, any action could affect my mood.

Going off for a while, bye :/ a few days
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I'm really sorry to hear that. Bad RP from the LT, and the staff responding slowly. Happens to me way too often.

By the way, rich people with lots of guns will never borrow you anything, that happens in lots of communities (especially DarkRP, where nobody gives any consideration to hobos)

Sorry to hear you leave, but if, or when you come back, I recommend to join a proper organization, who don't do shit like your friend. I have never been in contact with you IC, but you seem nice on the forums.

Good luck with your future.
Interestng that you are leaving. I was trying to help you immediatly in a report when I could today. You seem like a nice guy and you have a very good way of writing reports amd a good attitude in them. Some players should take you as an example how to make reports and how to behave in them. Good-Bye.
You weren't innocent, you were raiding people and we had proof.

You suicided cause you got a, what you believed to be, false jail sentence.

Anyway, sad to see you go.
Causing me actually to be depressed IRL,/

Are you serious? You were depressed over loosing a Beretta mag/gun in a game which you can easily earn back with like 10 minutes of cop? Also, reports the amount of reports fluxuate (go up and down) throughout the day especially on weekends with 60 players on i'm sure there were many reports that needed to be dealt with so yeah staff aren't gonna respond very quickly but anyway, good luck with whatever you decide to do

People like you need to do something good which will impact theirselves positively.

Grow some balls.
