I'm Sorry @Dom

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Reaction score
Appealing for: Ban / Blacklist
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: @Dom_
How long were you banned for: Permanent

Your Steam Name: Nate
Your In-game Name: Fawad-Jan Safi
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:114176403

Why were you banned/blacklisted: Cheating - Ban Evasion
Why should this appeal be considered: I'm sorry to everyone for Cheating and Ban evading. Cheating on the server was a selfish move and I'm sorry to everyone for that. To make it worse I attempted to ban evade after, I've broken my trust with the community. When I cheated it wasn't in spite of anyone, It was just me trying to get a unfair advantage over other players, It was not my intention to annoy or disrespect anyone and If I did I am really and truly sorry. I would hate to find out if I made anyone leave the community or just feel annoyed trying to enjoy the server.

I'm especially sorry to @Dom_ . I wasted your time and I know you worked hard to help the players and better the server by getting rid of cheaters and I'm sorry, I hope you can give me a second shot and that I can show you I have changed.

I'm also sorry to any other staff members that helped with this case.

I really do regret cheating, Perpheads is one of the best Gmod severs still going, It's content and playerbase is unique and no matter how many servers I join none of them are like Perpheads

During my seven month ban I really have started to regret this, Especially over the past few months of lockdown when I had nothing else to do. I really wanted to just hop on perpheads and play the server again, But I couldn't. And I finally realized how stupid it was to cheat. I've seen the server progress since my ban more than I've ever seen before.
I've seen map rotations, Speak of a new V5 and many many other updates and new content.

I regret cheating fully and will never cheat again, Since my ban I've been permanently banned from methamphetamine solutions. Regardless even if I wasn't banned on it I would not use it. I haven't used it in 7 months, After I got banned on Perpheads I hacked on a few TTT Servers for fun which I also regret, And looking back on it now it wasn't even fun.

If I am unbanned my goals would probably be first to reconnect with the community and regain everyone's trust. I would like to maybe rejoin the PLPD, Start growing again and start saving up for the Mercedes-Mclaren SLR Which I've always wanted.

Since my ban I really do feel as If I have matured and learned from my mistakes, I've learnt that my actions have consequences and that they affect other people.
It's as they say you don't appreciate something fully until it's gone, and it's especially true when it didn't have to go and I could have just never cheated in the first place.

Additional Comment(s): I truly am sorry to everyone. I hope I can get another chance to prove myself.
Since nobody responded to this, if anyone was the most mature during our entire group's cheating period, it was Nate, although we all started cheating on our own, I do believe that Nate would be the first one to ACTUALLY care about the server and properly play again
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