Imorgless Applications

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Professional Stripper
Reaction score
Imorgless Application Form


  1. No Pikeys
  2. No Minges
  3. No Skids

OOC Info:-

Steam Name:-
OOC Age:-

In-game Info:-

Rifle Marksmanship:-
Firearms level:-
Worth of the guns in your storage:-
Rate your own shooting Skill (1-10) :-
How much money do you have? ($$$) :-
What cars do you own? (Citroen C2 is unavailable) :-
Why do you want to join and why should we accept you? :-
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Name: DOM
Rifle Marksmanship:- 100
Firearms level:- 70
Worth of the guns in your storage:- 9mil
Rate your own shooting Skill (1-10) :- 1 im pretty bad
How much money do you have? ($$$) :- enough
What cars do you own? (Citroen C2 is unavailable) :- mini cooper
Why do you want to join and why should we accept you? :- i'm a cool kid
  1. No Pikeys
  2. No Minges
  3. No Skids

i fit perfectly i am none of the above

Steam Name:- Itzryzo
OOC Age:- 17
Playtime:- 2 months 10 days
Gender:- Man

Name: Samuel smithson
Rifle Marksmanship:- 80
Firearms level:- 70
Worth of the guns in your storage:- 200k
Rate your own shooting Skill (1-10) :-6
How much money do you have? ($$$) :- 300k
What cars do you own? (Citroen C2 is unavailable) :- Fully upgraded BMW m6 and GMC van
Why do you want to join and why should we accept you? :- Imorgless
OOC Info:-

Steam Name:- Yaseen
OOC Age:- 16 DOB 21 Febraury
Playtime:- 2 Months 21 Days 15 Hours
Gender:- havent decided yet

In-game Info:-

Name: Alfred Robinson
Rifle Marksmanship:- 63
Firearms level:- 122
Worth of the guns in your storage:- worth of 200k
Rate your own shooting Skill (1-10) :- 8.5
How much money do you have? ($$$) :- 40k currently as i bought a tesla
What cars do you own? (Citroen C2 is unavailable) :- Audi R8 and a Tesla
Why do you want to join and why should we accept you? :- srsly ?
OOC Info:-

Steam Name:- Erik
OOC Age:- 16
Playtime:- 1month 2days 5hours
Gender:- Male

In-game Info:-

Name: Erik Gyori
Rifle Marksmanship:- 51
Firearms level:-62
Worth of the guns in your storage:- about 67k, but still buying guns.
Rate your own shooting Skill (1-10) :-8
How much money do you have? ($$$) :- 400k
What cars do you own? (Citroen C2 is unavailable) :- Mitsubishi Lance Evo (Upgraded)
Why do you want to join and why should we accept you? :- I want to join as some of my friends are in the org and the org is not scared to lose guns in any situations. I been looking for a serious org that actually back me up and they don't leave you in any time. You should accept me because people know me in the org so I wont be a random person in the org I also don't care if I lose guns or give it away to one of my org members. I am loyal and would never betray the org.
Name: jafari Biffson
Rifle Marksmanship:- 100
Firearms level:- 61
Worth of the guns in your storage:- bout 300k
Rate your own shooting Skill (1-10) :- 5
How much money do you have? ($$$) :- 80k
What cars do you own? (Citroen C2 is unavailable) :- GMC van - 2x upgraded camper van
Why do you want to join and why should we accept you? :- Looking for a serious and good org. I won't be minging.
OOC Info:-

Steam Name:- Taby
OOC Age:- 15
Playtime:- idk 1m and 20d??
Gender:- בן

In-game Info:-

Name: Teby rown
Rifle Marksmanship:- 100pistol 100 rifle
Firearms level:- 60(?)
Worth of the guns in your storage:- after i gave most of my snipers and ars away around 1m??(???)
Rate your own shooting Skill (1-10) :- too good
How much money do you have? ($$$) :- nothing i wasted all of it on snipers
What cars do you own? (Citroen C2 is unavailable) :- all of them
Why do you want to join and why should we accept you? :- idk im orgless

Bad spelling pl0x //phone
OOC Info:-

Steam Name:- Sonzy
OOC Age:- 17
Playtime:- 3 months
Gender:- Neko loli

In-game Info:-

Name: Jack Kanof
Rifle Marksmanship:- 100
Firearms level:- 100
Worth of the guns in your storage:- 100
Rate your own shooting Skill (1-10) :- 10
How much money do you have? ($$$) :- 100
What cars do you own? (Citroen C2 is unavailable) :- 0
Why do you want to join and why should we accept you? :-

OOC Info:-

Steam Name:- Bert
OOC Age:- 17
Playtime:- 30 days
Gender:- Other

In-game Info:-

Name: James Timmons
Rifle Marksmanship:- 30 or something rifles r shit
Firearms level:- 54
Worth of the guns in your storage:- prolly 200k
Rate your own shooting Skill (1-10) :- 1.5 unless you give me a shotgun or pistol15
How much money do you have? ($$$) :- 200k currently
What cars do you own? (Citroen C2 is unavailable) :- Mini Cooper double upgraded
Why do you want to join and why should we accept you? :- I mean if you don't I'll nuke u. And send my sweater Gang after u.
OOC Info:-

OOC Age:- 14
Playtime:- 5 days and 12 hours

In-game Info:-

Name: Shlomo Shekelstein
Rifle Marksmanship:- 1
Firearms level:- 7
Worth of the guns in your storage:- 18k
Rate your own shooting Skill (1-10) :- 7
How much money do you have? ($$$) :- 60k
What cars do you own? (Citroen C2 is unavailable) :- A black van
Why do you want to join and why should we accept you? :- I need an org to start with. I guess this isn't a sweater org, but I hope you accept me
OOC Info:-

Steam Name:- Harley M
OOC Age:- 16
Playtime:- 1month
Gender:- male

In-game Info:-

Name: Harley Mack
Rifle Marksmanship:- 100
Firearms level:- 50, i buy my shit
Worth of the guns in your storage:- 75k +/- Will always be there in raids dw
Rate your own shooting Skill (1-10) :- 8
How much money do you have? ($$$) :- 30k +/- No need to save up
What cars do you own? (Citroen C2 is unavailable) :- Meclaren p1
Why do you want to join and why should we accept you? :- I have seen you allot on the server. Most of the time I see you raiding etc. I would like to raid and base with the org members. I'm a person you can trust!
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