Imperator Rome

Getting Imperator Rome

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    Votes: 2 14.3%
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    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • I dont know what that is

    Votes: 10 71.4%

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Middle East
So imperator Rome coming out on April 25th.

Obviously as an addicted paradox interactive player, im getting the game. I wanted to know who else will and we can get a multiplayer game going on Day 1.
Alrighty, so Imperator Rome is a strategy game developed by the game studio paradox interactive which make a lot of grand strategy games, notably : Crusader Kings II, Europa Universalis 4, Mount and Blade Warband, Stellaris, and Hearts of Iron 4

Basically they took components from alot of their top games whilst making this one and from the videos and the dev clash on youtube it looks really good.

Its a grand strategy game set before the rise of Rome with all of europe and parts of asia playable where you pick a nation and try to rise and be the best as possible, being the best can happen through domination of trade and naval superiority, or having a massive army and enslaving the populations from all the surrounding countries too make your city the biggest.

There are so many features, so i will just link the dev clash where basically the developers all together played a multiplayer game against each other and it really shows off the features and what can be done in the game.

I mean im not hearing good things but ill atleast try it
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very unlikely, hoi4 is a game that simulates within the 24 hours of the day, aswell as it being a simulatuon of world War 2. Imperator Rome is a mixture of what is really good in Eu4 amd Ck2. Eu4 is the naval aspect as well as colonization in northern Germany and around Europe and Asia including trade from Victoria 2. From ck2 is the character development the presence of the characters family which not only allows you to get closer with the nation you are playing but also gives you substantial leverage when at wars.