Employee Satisfaction Survey 2022 - Q1 Responses

Reaction score
Paralake City

This quarter's Employee Satisfaction Survey is now closed, a total of 26 responses were submitted and gave us a wide range of opinions and feedback. We would like to thank everyone who submitted a response for taking the time to do so, here are some of the feedback given to us and our thoughts about them. In this thread, we have highlighted some responses which caught our eye.

Names may have been removed, but responses have not been edited in any other way. Spelling and grammar are exactly the same as how responses have been submitted.

Forms response chart. Question title: What rank do you hold?. Number of responses: 26 responses.

We had a range of ranks, with 9 Senior Officers taking up the majority of ranks submitting responses. No ranks higher than Captain submitted a response, so they are not included in the pie chart.

How likely are you to recommend joining PLPD to a friend or new player?
Forms response chart. Question title: How likely are you to recommend joining PLPD to a friend or new player?. Number of responses: 26 responses.

  • “it's only interesting for people who geniune are interested in putting some effort to get somewhere in the ranks or divisions”
  • “officers who want to progress at all needing to dedicate a lot of time and effort, resulting in not receiving recognition and being unable to progress at any sort of speed.”
  • “PLPD is Fun and Interesting, I feel like the entertainment is never ending”
Most people rated this question highly, but a lot of the written responses spoke about having to put in a lot of effort to progress.

In the last seven days, I have received recognition or praise for doing good work.
Forms response chart. Question title: In the last seven days, I have received recognition or praise for doing good work.. Number of responses: 26 responses.

  • “I've gotten OR's but outside of that not really”
  • “Not encouraged at all by higher ups, just told to do work and complained when it’s not done to a decent standard then silent when it’s good”
  • “I simply don't remember being praised for my work recently”

We have received a lot of responses in similar vein as the ones above, most suggesting that lower ranked officers do not receive an amount of recognition for their work if any at all. This will be something we aim to change.

I have the materials such as guides, policies and procedures to do my job well.
Forms response chart. Question title: I have the materials such as guides, policies and procedures to do my job well.. Number of responses: 26 responses.

  • “I believe I know the location of all guides, policies etc so I can work with them, however sometimes I do feel they are kinda hidden”
  • “PLPD works well for what its meant to be used for. Excited for Blueduck, as I hope it will be better and more accessible for resources”
  • “They're all available with relative ease, but clarity could be added to the policies and they could be made easier to find for new officers. Possibly more of a prompt for officers to actually read them?”
  • “I have access to the materials/policies which used to be good however, a lot of them are outdated and don't relate to Perp's current state.”

The Policy Board is currently working on updating and revising all outdated policies, however the board has only just been set up, and it will take time to complete this task.

Supervisors provide me with the support I need to complete my work.
Forms response chart. Question title: Supervisors provide me with the support I need to complete my work.. Number of responses: 26 responses.

  • “No support is given.”
  • “dont need it”
  • “Supervisors help me with my work”
  • “I feel SGT could be better a lot are not doing their job”
  • “I feel like the only time supervisors really speak to you is if there giving you a telling off”
  • “There are some supervisors that actively play and provide assistance, but often supervisors do the bare minimum”

This question had the most varied response, we got an even mix of people saying they get no help, some saying they don't need help and some saying they do get help. Some responses called out specific ranks, such as sergeants, who don't seem to help lower ranks.

Help is available from the PLPD when I have a problem.
Forms response chart. Question title: Help is available from the PLPD when I have a problem.. Number of responses: 26 responses.

  • “Major and owner and chief is good”
  • “Help desk is usually quite quick at responding and there are a multitude of command members usually ready to help.”
  • “There is always help in the department in my opinion, i always love how the internal affairs and supervisors takes care of the problems we have.”
  • “With the implementation of Junior Command I feel its much more easier for lower ranks to get help if needed.”
  • “To be fair the higher command is actually responsive unlike the old days.”

Responses to this question mostly say that help is available, with only a few saying its not. One response said that the availability of help has improved compared to past command teams.

Are you proud to be a member of the PLPD?
Forms response chart. Question title: Are you proud to be a member of the PLPD?. Number of responses: 26 responses.

  • “Neutral - I have no strong feelings for being a part of the PLPD due to it not holding any sort of significance in my life outside of a Garry's Mod server.”
  • “I'm just a pistol cop so I don't feel exactly as a member”
  • “ofc i am, its nice to be here, over a couple months im still getting threatened by others to get an ia, get demoted - but yall do understand that im doing stuff as i need to, so never happens. :)

This question had a greatly positive response to this question, with the majority of the submissions giving a 10/10. Most of the written submissions were written by people who gave lower ratings and gave detail to why they feel that way.

My opinions seem to count.
Forms response chart. Question title: My opinions seem to count.. Number of responses: 26 responses.

  • yes i would say it does i think my opinion is deffinatley heard and taken into account for most things
  • I do give my opinion on a lot in the PD, mostly related to OS and Traffic and is heard but sometimes my ideas aren't the great lmao
  • I feel like the communities opinion is often not even part of the conversation, with development and administration being the only voices in any discussion on any major change.
  • Really hard to make an opinion or to express one when you're a low rank.
  • Can’t really comment of this one as never tried to voice my opinions
  • I never gave them so idk

The main reason for this very Employee Satisfaction Survey is so that people can voice their opinions. The responses to this question suggest most people feel that, due to rank or position within the greater PERP community, their opinion does not seem to matter or go noticed, Public Relation aims to change this.

What’s the best thing that has happened to you in the PLPD these past 3 months?
  • Probably getting to be a part of the Command team, or getting TFU
  • getting a promotion. being a position where i can help others too thrive as well.
  • The chief said I was good at driving
  • Promoteon
  • i got promoted
  • Demotion.
  • The first thing is probably my promotion to Senior Officer, it has helped me alot so i can actually talk to officers without being told to shut my mouth just because i have the same rank as them. The second thing is of course my movement from the patrol division to Traffic Division, i absolutely love how the Road Traffic Unit deals with situations and in my opinion they are a bit more serious than the patrol division because most of the patrol division are low ranked officers. The third thing is the supervisors that i have patrolled with, [redacted name] is my absolute favorite of all but nearly all supervisors do their job great and i love it.

Most days I receive feedback from my Supervisors and coworkers about my performance.
Forms response chart. Question title: Most days I receive feedback from my Supervisors and coworkers about my performance.. Number of responses: 26 responses.

  • i would say i receive feedback but unfortunately i have noticed that it can be hard for people to get OR's sometimes to receive such feedback.
  • I dont think i have ever been given feedback for my performance except from ORs
  • Unless I ask for an OR which takes 15 years to get I don't really get told anything.
  • I receive it rarely and it’s always negative, there is no praise at all by command members for trainers

This question also had mostly negative responses, a lot say that the only feedback is from Observation Reports, which are hard to obtain and sometimes lack detail or sometimes are not truthful. Considering Observation Reports are important to the promotion system, this is something that raises concern and will be addressed with haste.

If you had a magic wand, what's the one thing you would change about PLPD?
  • “the different communication channels, I dislike using Teamspeak, Slack, Discord and GMOD all at the same time sometimes”
We understand that there are a lot of different things some members of the PD are required to use, such as Discord, PLPD.online, and some are required to use Trello, and each department has its own Google Folder. It can be a lot sometimes, but you’re not required to use everything all at once.

  • “I would love to see a way for us CPL and officers who are on the ground and seeing officers day to day have a way where we can vote for people to receive officer of the month etc.”
As highlighted in previous questions, recognition for lower ranks is an issue we are aiming to address. Public Relations is aiming to build a new system for officers of all ranks to give each other praise for the work they do on the server. Keep your eyes out!

  • “Bring back academy server for RTU stage 2's. I was RTTO for a very long time, however the stages 2 in the new training system are rather odd. It just doesn't work. We have to test the capabilities of possible new RTO's however all we have is a flat road. There isn't any room to do decent pursuits, tpacs....”
  • “I would change the Training system and bring back the old Training Server. There are multiple problems that makes the new training system terrible for RTU Stage 2s, the training area being very small making the entire thing more of a torture than training.”
Efforts are being made to improve the Training System, your suggestions on ways to improve the system are appreciated and will be taken into consideration.

  • “Make Hayden Chief”
Hayden said he doesn't want it, sorry.

Is there anything else on your mind which you'd like to tell us?
  • Thank you mallard you are very good!
Thanks <3

  • I like acer a lott
Acer may or may not like you too, we cant confirm or deny this.

  • All i want to tell you is to have a great day!
You too!

  • naw, only this : keep up the good work on plpd bois ;3
Will do!