Server Suggestion Increased body drag speed for high ranks

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Suggestion Title: Increased body drag speed for high ranks
Suggestion Description: At Advanced Paramedic and Advanced Firefighter, allow bodies to be dragged slightly faster by holding SHIFT. This would take up the same stamina as running normally.

The speed at which bodies can be fast-dragged increases with the rank until it is at the same speed as normal running(?).

This would mimic the 'fireman's carry' techniques which would reasonably be refined through experience in the first-response fields.

Why should this be added?:
Adds a passive perk that makes paramedics/firefighter's lives much easier, as dragging bodies down is at the moment no more efficient if done by a paramedic, firefighter, or average joe.
Encourages emergency services to co-operate and allows for the senior ranks to be more available as they can clear scenes faster.
Allows for more complex rescues such as firefighters rescuing burning suspects from fires where every second matters.
Compensates for the drastically increased body drag times since the removal of the often-abused body throwing feature.

What negatives could this have?:
The drag speed could be abused to grab bodies out of dangerous situations, though this is as likely to happen without this increase as the rank required to even get a slight increase in speed typically comes with some experience and rule knowledge.
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The context of this suggestion has changed significantly since the removal of body throwing; while the main purpose of the suggestion remains the same I'm wondering if this is still viable with this recent mobility nerf, or if the change was made especially to target paramedics/firefighters moving bodies too quickly. I've occasionally noticed some scenes with bodies being left behind (especially by higher ranked paramedics) as the payment and XP bonus is often not enough to justify dragging bodies extended distances.
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After body throwing got unexpectedly removed, I think this should probably be added to all ranks. It's such a chore removing bodies now... I admit most of the time I just leave for the next call without bothering.
After body throwing got unexpectedly removed, I think this should probably be added to all ranks. It's such a chore removing bodies now... I admit most of the time I just leave for the next call without bothering.
Yes, perhaps starting with a small boost at Junior Paramedic/Firefighter and increasing to max through to Supervisor
After body throwing got unexpectedly removed, I think this should probably be added to all ranks. It's such a chore removing bodies now... I admit most of the time I just leave for the next call without bothering.
The body throwing got nerfed too much. It was genuienly fun throwing the bodies off regals... I miss it.
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What happened to the body bags that got teased awhile back? Were there ever bodybags teased? Who knows. Maybe I’m just losing it, but turning bodies into a prop to make them easier to move could be a compromise here.
Definitely need a faster way, pulling those bodies are useless both money & EXP wise and often times you have to prioritize Life Alerts in other locations anyway. It's way too slow.
What happened to the body bags that got teased awhile back? Were there ever bodybags teased? Who knows. Maybe I’m just losing it, but turning bodies into a prop to make them easier to move could be a compromise here.
Off-topic, but that got paused (not cancelled) due to technical complexity. In any case, they were ragdolls not props, so the dragging/throwing is the same and the problem would still apply.