Server Suggestion Increasing legal job wages

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NOTE: I will be using Roadcrew as a reference point throughout most of this, as it is the job that I am doing the most.

Description of the idea: Increase the wages of all legal jobs (perhaps minus Police due to the increased pay from the rank system)
A few years ago, drugs used to make roughly $36k worth in profits every hour, while most legal jobs sat at an approximate 6.9k an hour minus the conditional pay from tows, repairs, removing bodies, etc.
Since then, the drug system has been overhauled, and as a result, while becoming a bit more complicated, also increased the payout by a fair margin. On numerous occasions people have claimed making $100k+ an hour, which is a substantial increase from what it used to be.
Meanwhile, nearly all legal jobs are still sitting with the exact same pay as they did back then. 6.9k an hour on default pay and taxes, and every now and then an additional $500 or so for doing additional tasks while working.

Taking an example of today, I spent about 3 hours on the server (plus some additional time as I crashed once) playing only as a Roadcrew Worker, and made a total of $38k. All things considered, this is actually a decent amount more than what you'd normally get, as we were lucky enough to have 2-3 mayors on that time frame. This all comes down to a rough average of 12.6k an hour.
However, I also received some larger tips from a few people in this time, including a $2000 tip to give someone a ride to City Garage. However, end in the end, this is still very miniscule to what someone growing drugs could make in the same amount of time. Additionally, this is not a guaranteed $/h due to the condition that you need to either be constantly impounding or repairing cars, which isn't always the case.

Assuming that someone could perhaps repair or tow a car every 7 minutes or so, that would come up to about 11.5k an hour. If we then assume that said roadcrew worker wants to save up to, for example, an Aston Martin Rapide costing $1,700,000, they would have to spend roughly 148 hours as a roadcrew worker, or slightly over 6 days combined to make enough money for that car. If someone grew drugs at a supposed $100k an hour, that is just 17 hours of work instead. If you imagine that both of these people play for 5 hours a day, it would take the drug grower about 4 days to make enough. The roadcrew worker would have to spend a total of 30 days grinding away, 5 hours per day. This is not including having to buy burgers every now and then, which admittedly isn't a lot, but it adds up in the end.

Some could say that growing drugs is more dangerous, and therefore them paying out so much more is balanced in terms of risk:reward. However, is the risk really that high to justify the massive reward, when compared to legal jobs? Not like there aren't any risks for legal jobs; you can still very much get killed or even gunpointed, risking your general well-being. And if you do die, you lose 5 minutes worth of paychecks. Sure, it doesn't seem like much, but just like buying burgers, it eventually adds up. I even see myself facing the end of a barrel quite often when towing cars, and even though it is almost always against the rules to gunpoint a roadcrew worker for simply doing his job, it doesn't mean that nobody's doing it.

Legal jobs have a massive grind when you're trying to save up for something you want, even if all you want is to buy a gun that you can use for self defense. The balance is completely gone, as drugs received a major boost when the drug overhaul came to, while most legal jobs have seen no change. A lot of people have been asking for more legal jobs to be introduced, but I feel like increasing the paycheck for the ones we have now is at least a decent way to give people more of an incentive to actually play these jobs and give them a chance. Let's be honest, nobody is going to play as a taxi driver to make money, only a few people are doing it, and even then it's mostly out of boredom or as an attempt to create more role-play.

Why should this be added? (pros):
Increased balance in terms of $/h
More incentive to play legal jobs such as taxi driver, roadcrew worker, etc., thereby also increasing chances of actual role-play happening

What negatives could this have? (cons):
N/A, leave a reply if you have any possible cons to this.

*Other additions:
This is entirely optional and more or less just a concept of something I have previously discussed with @THE SPOOK in a private chat.
The idea for this is to more or less introduce a ranking system similar to the PLPD for legal jobs. However, instead of requiring a lot of work including applications and the likes, the idea is more or less to have around 3-4 "low" ranks that can be acquired by meeting an hour requirement on said job, while there's around 2-3 "high" ranks that are given to the players with the most amount of hours active on said job.
Each rank would be accompanied by a paycheck increase very similar to the PLPD, but no special permissions (maybe except for the high ranks, giving them blanket permission to tow cars, very similar to what I usually request as a roadcrew worker?)

Like I said, entirely optional and merely a concept that I discussed with Spook. More or less something to just consider, while simply increasing legal job wages is my actual suggestion.

*Images: N/A

I have decided not to mention fishing in any of this because I'd rather not stand semi-AFK with some fishing rods for several hours at a time.
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Denied the last time this was brought up sadly, I'd love to have this implemented though as it will be more beneficial for new players.
Forcing new players to adopt drugs and crime as their only chance of 'making it big' leads to dissapointment when they're inevitably raided by a big bad orange organisation for the 5th time today, losing all their progress, or they're arrested by police for just trying to get a start.

We should be encouraging people to play more on legal jobs, specifically medic and roadcrew as those are the most commonly absent when needed, but all legal jobs ought to have a higher pay band for the mayor, and base pay.

I support this.
This is something that should be done without much question. People shouldn't be forced to grow drugs to make a normal amount of money. One batch already covers all costs that you could lose if you get raided and lose, the only downside to the player and the server is endlessly staring at virtual plants while sitting in an apartment, not engaging into anything and having 0 fun.
Forcing new players to adopt drugs and crime as their only chance of 'making it big' leads to dissapointment when they're inevitably raided by a big bad orange organisation for the 5th time today, losing all their progress, or they're arrested by police for just trying to get a start.

We should be encouraging people to play more on legal jobs, specifically medic and roadcrew as those are the most commonly absent when needed, but all legal jobs ought to have a higher pay band for the mayor, and base pay.

I support this.
summarized perfectly
Is the issue that legal jobs make too little or rather than drugs make too much?

Just food for thought!
Is the issue that legal jobs make too little or rather than drugs make too much?

Just food for thought!

$100k+ an hour is honestly insane, and i wouldn't mind seeing it decreased to 50-70k an hour instead, but it honestly doesn't matter much to me.
The biggest issue is how much you need to grind in order to make any money when you are doing any of the legal jobs. Old drug system or new doesn't matter much when you have to spend an entire month playing 5 hours a day to save up for a 1.7 mil car.
People who have any idea of who I am know that I haven't grown drugs or raided on PERP for years. I also do not enjoy rp'ing as an officer and therefore do not gain the extra income from seized weapons. I typically stick to civilian, medic, and roadcrew.

I do not intend to or want to change how I play, but I make so little money that I have to resort to selling VIP to purchase a decent car. I don't like that I am narrowed down to two ways of playing to afford the things relatively easily attainable to other players. I always feel ignored when I bring this up since I'm not particularly loud or outspoken. Thank you Niko.
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I definitly agree with this suggestion, sitting inside whilst growing drugs creates little to no RP situation most of the time and increasing the wages for doing normal jobs or passive RP sort of things would result in much more and varied RP situations. Also some players don't particularly enjoy the PVP and would rather RP and do normal jobs, and this would be helpful to them aswell, overall a good idea, however I think the specifics should be discussed to make sure things won't be too unbalanced.
Us 'Criminals'/Civillians make hella money, the issue now isn't the amount of money being made by drugs, the main issue is the lack of pay for government roles and other jobs in general. The community has been so focused on drugs rather than jobs over the past years it's weird. People shouldn't have to force themselves to play civ and grow just to get a car they want, people like me don't like growing and I've taken up casinos as a way of income, before the casino I had to do VIP sales to make enough capital to even start.

PD gets paid less than 40K an hour and it can be even less because of Mayors and everyone's focus as mayor to produce 0% sales tax for people to craft, they either make this up by doing nothing with income/fuel tax and losing city funds or they tax the fuck out of government workers which leaves you with like under 20K an hour which is just shite.

The SGT+ or administrative paychecks don't come close to covering the possible admin work people do for PLPD or the time they spend in the game. 100K a month for just being a SGT still doesn't cut the number of time officers spend on black screens or on patrol in comparison to how much a crim could make a month just from growing/selling.
I was gonna make a thread but I saw this one has already been posted. The pay for these jobs is pathetic, there's a good reason nobody plays Firefighter or Roadcrew except to minge. I've been playing RC lately for fun, and the amount of money you make is so little you may as well do the job for free. I don't mind so much as I already have money, but for new players legal jobs are a terrible way to make money. I'm not saying it needs to be on par with drugs but 7k per hour is pretty awful.
Coming from someone who's sat in a room the past week power growing, I can say I'm bored of doing this. As your post states though if you want to earn good money this is basically the only decent way of doing so.
The only new addition we received so far is for Roadcrew which enables them to clean up car junk after a vehicle explosion which itself is a rarity depending on the day. As you've tried or guessed by now this bonus is not worth anything at all and barely gets you any money, good idea but just not worth it and just a hassle by having to place your roadcrew vehicle next to the junk and the orange doors not being removable (bug).

Legal job wages are pathetic and drugs have gotten so easy and risk free that people hit their end game/goals by 2 weeks if they're determined. I'm losing motivation (for me at least) to continue playing a legal job if the pay is like shit when I could get double or triple the money by doing drugs and save a lot of time. Higher ranked PLPD Officer's getting extra pay is nice but new players don't benefit from that at all+you have to dedicate a lot of time to get said high rank.

I've written a novel in one of these threads before, so I am not gonna write another one.

But, the fix is not to make the legal job salary higher. That would be the wrong way of doing it. We have already made the salary for all legal jobs higher in the past.
The issues we need to look at are, 1) People make too much money from drugs in the long run, and 2) People should be rewarded for doing their job rather than getting x amount every minute.

Where we land with this is,
  • We need to make sure that the people who grow 24/7 earn less on drugs than someone that grows 1 hour per day
  • We probably need to make it so that the Drug Dealer do not buy all kinds of drugs at all times
  • We need to find ways to give money to people on legal jobs when they've done well. Like we currently do with confiscations, putting out fires, reviving people, and impounding cars.

Both Tiny and I have had lengthy discussions about this for a while. And it's not an easy solution. But it is something we are talking about, and we are trying to find a good way of doing it. Put throwing free money at people is not the way.
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