Influential factors of why the player count has decreased rapidly

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HI everyone.

I've been on perp since 2015, and I've had some really great times on here. The last few years, not so great. I'm trying to start a discussion about how and why the server has decreased to the state it is in today.

I want to heare your opinion on what have made this possible. And do you think a recovery is possible? Can we bring back a happy perp, with a full player count?

I have a few personal thoughts for what happend to make this degenerate, but I'll like to see what you think and what can the staff team do to make a recovery.

  • What makes you think the server has degenerated?
  • What can the staff team do to help it back?
  • Is a recovery possible?
I joined perp back in late 2015, made an account on the forums in early january 2016. I found out about the server by stumbling upon a video by @Myrothas. First thing I did was become a cop and had a fucking blast. People werent dickheads, the premise of the server was simple and, even though there was org beef and orgs like Standish that ruled the criminal empire of the city, it was mostly tame compared to 2016-2017.

However the atmosphere changed in that 2016-2017 period. I felt like this was the birth of the org related coonery and shenanigans which turned the server from a casual place with shootouts sprinkled inbetween into a full-on base wars clusterfuck. Don't get me wrong, org beef and player beef in general was a thing back in the older times but it was taken to new heights in this time peroid and this problem perisists even to this day. The AR section became the most popular part of the forums and people would flame each other in OOC for getting killed. Imo this was one of the reasons why the server populus has declined: the old veterans of the server were dethroned, disgusted at what the people have become or just grew too old to continue playing. I didnt understand it before - communities change over time as a result of social trends and such, so why leave for these reasons? Well a time came even for me when I left for good because I simply didnt feel like I was playing on the same server I played back in 2015 and 2016.

No matter how many rules and game mechanics are reformed/reverted the legends of old like Hung Chow won't step foot on the server again. This is for the reason I stated above and a lot of other reasons. However I wouldn't be so annoyed by this since the death of communities is a natural thing. Perp has had a very good run and not one single thing can be blamed for why its in a decline but rather a perfect storm of lots of factors. The probability that any long term revival will happen is very low because perp (and even gmod itself) lost its charm.
When I originally joined the server it was a little like a nature documentary, you had a wide and varied group of reprobates to observe in their comfort zone and life was good.

You had your EVILs, completely devoid of social skills and somewhat convinced they were some A grade Italian-American mafioso despite being unable to intimidate their way out of a wet paper bag.
You had your Ermaks, functionally speaking the punching bags of the community, they always seemed to find their way to the bottom of the ladder despite every opportunity that stumbled into their disaster of a gameplay experience.
You had your Preppers (is that even his name? god only knows) that would make a 15 second interaction take 5 hours by individually crafting actions and descriptive flavour text that would make you wonder how someone can find entertainment in writing 3 paragraphs to exhale.
You had your Olsen Banden FUCKING WARRIORS, you'd best believe they dominated the perpheads PVP scene with their stockpiles of imaginary firearms, more explosives than a Michael Bay movie and more personality flaws than I've had warm meals.
You had your professional online policemen, mostly alright back in the day, it was always a good time playing as Captain and verbally abusing people.

But above all else, on the very top of the pile you had the boys, those absolute fucking idiots that would set wooden ramps up all along the highway and bait police into some stupid shit, roll around in a 15 mini-cooper convoy and flatten anything with a pulse, get banned for using 3rd party software for an immense gameplay advantage and decide to make a low budget youtube video outlining how they got away with it for months.

As far as I can tell the place just feels 2D by comparison, there's no real depth to the characters I've experienced anymore, it's all just LEOs ignoring most crimes, gangs of absolute hooligans rolling around in groups of 4 setting things on fire, aimless gunfights with no real substance or significance, social outcasts crying about the roadcrew refusing to fix their vehicle on the roadside, etc.

Perp was always enhanced by the personalities that played it for me, I guess having fucked around with the absolute mongrels that played this game some years ago makes the current experience feel empty and flat.
It took a fucking pandemic to bring perp up to a brilliant playercount. We’re safe, for now.

Also perps not dead, it’s just fucking slow nowadays with all these people coming on to do nothing.