Introducing Jack Ireland

Reaction score
Sheffield,South Yorkshire,Uk
Hey Everyone Not Many People Know Me But I Have Been Around Since The Server Had 10 Players A Day And It Had 30 Slots And Then I Joined And I Have Been Telling Friends And I Have Watched This Server Grow And It Has Been A Nice Exsperance And I Have had Two Names Jack Bardley And Jack Ireland And I Am One Of The Nicese Officers You can Find And I Have Only Been On The Fourms For A Year Next Mouth And I Thought I Might Introduce My Self Now

(Sorry For Any Spelling Merstakes I Am Dislexic And I Can Stop Putting Capitals At The Start Of Every Word)
Don't take it the wrong way while reading the comments, its just too early in the morning for us to actually read this, mostly due to your dyslexia.
Reading Sentences With Capital Letters Every Time Is Really Weird, if you ask me.

Welcome back, enjoy the 75 slots and difficulty to join every time unless its early morning.
I'm 90% sure the server started with 50 players.
The server started at July or June, and I joined @ October and it's been 50 afaik.

You're most likely lying, so dont piss me off.
I'm sure if you didn't make the first letter of every word capital it would have with your "dislexia"
Welcome back, Jack! I remember you from a long time ago actually, around 4-5 months ago on the police. I saw you often as a traffic officer, glad to have you back.