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Hello, i am Exnem, i am 14 and i really love the server in its current state, the gamemode is awesome and very smooth, admins are very nice and i'm looking forward for whats going to be added to the server, the server has a good way to "hire" enforcers, that rank is not for noobs xD

1 Vac ban on record

The reason for why i have a vac ban is because i had one game that i really hated, i would never play it again annyway, so i started cheating in-game, i would never do this on Garry's mod as that game is awesome and i have over 1000 hours played on record, i hope the admins see what i mean.

The game i hacked on was MW2, Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2
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Reactions: joR
Idk why i included the Vac ban thingy... my rank is a Newbie annyways, explains it all
If it was Insurgency it would probably be understandable since that game is mostly hackers.

Long as you do not try to cheat on the server there will be no problem welcome to the community.
TBH - I have a VAC Ban for MW2, no one really care's about one's unreleated to source engine games ;)

And welcome to the server! I hope you enjoy your stay!
Hey Exnem! Nice to see you deciding to create an Introducting of yourself, to let us know who you are. Continue a nice stay on the forums! :)