Is it able to buy money in game?

Misleading information, removed -MrLewis
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If u want to buy VIP/Premium by the Website goto:

Or you can buy VIP for IN-GAME Money, people usually sell it for around 60-90k so just try and ask in /OOC Chat and im pretty sure someone will respond to you shortly :)

If u would like anymore help just press ''Contact Me'' under this message. Thanks! :)

Kind Regards,
Robin Ljungberg
New Post in Ideas & Suggestions:
Posted: 1 hour ago by RelevenN tK: Microtransactions.
Topic: Microtransactions

Short explanation (in notes):
-u hav 2 buy de moneyz 4 game

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
be cuz i think perp wuld be betr if u had to buy moneyz be cuz i fink it wud be eesier 2 buy it insted of having to grow drugs sell drugs then get moneyz be cuz i alwayz get redded reid'd raided in my slums 4 swag apartmnt and i think it wood annoy ppl if dey get raided liek me be cuz i always lose my bereta and my drugs pls help

Optional additions:
- opshun 2 buy drugz wif money
-opshun 2 buy cars wif money
-opshun 2 bribe ur way 2 moder8r thru micrutransactions

pls considr this gr8 idea i want perpheads to be like my fave games on phone like candy crush n stuff

Basically, NO, this is not possible.