is perphead dead or no

I played in 2015, it was great. I was new so it was the best gaming experience I've had to this day and I think Fredy, XQ and Stephen should be proud of the fact many players feel the same. However as many know I posted many apologies after I was banned in 2017, big ups @nade best apology writer lol. Then threw it all away by cheating. I agree it was stupid of me but it was something new to try, everyone at some point wants to try it. I did it because perp was getting boring for me. I am in no way saying the game is boring, it was boring for me as i'd played for so long and done everything

I think everyone has finally come to the same point in the road as I. No amount of updates will change it, I think the idea has just gotten boring for so many. Roleplay in general.

The only way I can see perp coming back is through a full revamp; no I don't just mean a new map. I mean a brand new layout, alongside a new map, not even paralake a new map. New guns, cars, legal jobs etc. If that happened I can see the server becoming populated again. However that just seems impossible with the current source engine and the fact it'd take ages. When it gets to the point of less than 20 people on the server at a time on weekends to be honest i'd just close it, or branch out and make a new gamemode or set the server to a different gamemode. Keep the forums up because that's way more populated than the server.

big ups to this song for helping me write this all
This is a better version of that song <3
1 month bans for DCing with no other punishments at all really don't help
Reset all warnings and bans, except for cheaters and the server will come to life again.

Cause let's be honest, most staff members have sticks up their arses and hand out excessively lenghty bans for shitty rule breaks. And not to mention people loose persepective, and their soul, of what it is to be a regular player after being staff for a certain amount of time.
Like when enforcers were given props for camping the intersection handing out warnings to sweaterwests crossing the highway after they just joined the server... Freaking ruleplay, people need to chill and have some fun :penguin:
Ive always said that this community would be nothing without the people that are a part of it. Sad enough to see the changes with most people in denial with multiple excuses why we now lack the playerbase. Something needs to change to stop it from getting worse as it doesnt seem to be getting any better at the moment. I really do hope something is being done and it's not all being swept under the rug, because now it seems like we have a handful of players that love the server, want things to improve for the future.
Exam time and any christians in this community got a religious month. Its still worth it, just low player count at the moment.
Exam time and any christians in this community got a religious month. Its still worth it, just low player count at the moment.
Exam time and any christians in this community got a religious month. Its still worth it, just low player count at the moment.
Worst thing I've ever heard, just another excuse with nothing to show its true. 2 weeks off with easter break and you think people wouldnt have any spare time at all? Deluded.
Worst thing I've ever heard, just another excuse with nothing to show its true. 2 weeks off with easter break and you think people wouldnt have any spare time at all? Deluded.
I mean clearly no one gives a shit about their future, right?
Even though I absolutely shat on the staff team in my above post it should be made clear that the real reason perp is dying is just as much because of the players themselves.

There is to much:
- salt
- beef
- ARs for shitty things
- revenge ARs
- armchair policing

just to mention a few...

A huge problem seems to be people being awfully salty for being warned/banned for breaking a specific rule in the past and when they then witness somebody else break this same rule they will instantly make an AR. Why? Because it's "fair", since they themselves had been punished for it some time ago, then obviously this other random player deserves to recieve an AR and get punished for it too.

And not to mention all the fucking revenge AR because you just don't like somebody or they pissed you off in a specific situation.

It is an immature and destructive mindset.
The playerbase needs to check themselves before laying all the blame on the staff team, even though they are obviously a major part of the issue.

It's only game, why you heff to be mad
